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7人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:杨凤城

出  版  社:中国人民大学出版社


字       数:1471

所属分类: 人文社科 > 政治/军事 > 政治



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     It's been over nine decades since the establishment of the Communist Party of China, and over six decades since it obtained power, during which the Communist Party of China has developed from scratch and become increasingly stronger, expanding from doze of membe to a ruling party with over 80 million membe today. It tasted the failure of the democratic revolution, yet it led the Chinese people to stand up; it experi- enced twists and tur in exploring the road to socialism, yet it finally succeeded in taking power. Looking back at the history of the Communist Party of China in the past century, people cannot help but ask: How does it get rid of the plights of revolution and cotruction before feeling forward in a mist? What kind of structure and ruling ideas does it have to lead the world's largest political party and most populated country? What theories does it adopt to arm itself and how will it lead the Chinese nation to achieve great rejuvenation? As a popular theoretical reading, this book awe all these hot questio on the history of the Communist Party of China in an easy, targeted and convincing way. trying to tell the reade the keys to the success of the Communist Party of China.<br/>【作者】<br/>     YANG Fengcheng, a famous expert in the history of the Communist Party of China, professor and tutor of Ph.D. candidates from Renmin Univeity of China, concurrently serves as the vice-chairman of Chinese Society on the Research of the Figures in the History of the Chinese Communist Party, executive member of the Chinese Society of History of Communist Party of China and chairman of the Teaching and Research Professional Council under the Society of History of the People's Republic of China. He is mainly engaged in studying the history of the Communist Party of China, the history of the People's Republic of China, the localization of Marxism in China, etc.. He has held a number of research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund, Philosophy and Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education, Philosophy and Social Science Fund of Beijing, etc., and has published several books and nearly 100 essays.<br/>





Chapter 1 The Revolutionary Road of the Communist Party of China

1.1 The historical wave rider

1.2 Being trained in the countryside and stemming from the ruralto urban areas

1.3 Flexible military strategies and tactics

Chapter 2 Exploratio Made by the Communist Party of China on theRoad of Socialist Cotruction

2.1 The choice of socialism

2.2 The road to socialism

2.3 Exploratio made to build socialism and the achievements

Chapter 3 Reform and Opening up under the Leadehip of the CommunistParty of China

3.1 Launch of reform and opening up

3.2 The road of progressive reform

3.3 The password to the success of reform and opening up

3.4 To continue pushing forward the reform and opening up

Chapter 4 Organization and Running of the Communist Party of China

4.1 Value "quantity", but "quality" more when taking on membe

4.2 Cadre selection pattern in which "democratic election" and"appointment by higher level Party organization" are combined

4.3 A flexible and efficient operational mechanism

4.4 The "Trinity" management system within the Party

Chapter 5 The Guiding Theories of the Communist Party of China

5.1 The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics

5.2 The primary stage of socialism

5.3 On the essence of socialism

5.4 On the socialist market economy

Chapter 6 State Governance by the Communist Party of China

6.1 Thought on state governance upheld by the Communist Party ofChina

6.2 Mea of state governance adopted by the Communist Party ofChina

6.3 Assessment of the status of state governance by the CommunistParty of China

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