


Art of War电子书

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作       者:Victoria Charles,Sun Tzu

出  版  社:Parkstone International


字       数:32.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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在历史的进程中,很多战争改变了这个世界的政治文化格局。尽管重大事件取决于战争的剧变和激烈程度,战争也影响了整个民族和几代人的身份定位,因而产生了深远的文化效应。尽管在激烈动荡的时期,战争对身体和情绪造成了破坏,但也刺激了丰富的艺术创造。几个世纪以来,伴随着战争的创伤数不胜数的艺术家创造了不朽的作品来祭奠战争中*戏剧性的时刻,从而将它们永恒定格在历史中。 这本著作中优美的画作刻画了著名的战役和战争场景,形象地加入了传说的中国孙子兵法的说明,以及记载了不同战争中重要的时刻,每一篇都由著名的作者撰写。从乌切洛(Uccello)的《圣罗马洛战争》(The Battle of San Romano)到毕加索的《格尔尼卡》(Guernica),这本著作为我们展现了战争灵感下艺术作品的魅力以及它们所展现的人类历史。


Millennia of War

Portraying War in Art

The Artists of War

The Art of Modern Warfare

Mythological Battles

The Trojan War

Battle of the Amazons

The Rape of the Sabine Women

Antiquity to Christianisation of the Roman Empire

The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin of Akkad

Battle of Kadesh

Battle of Marathon

Battle of Thermopylae

Battle of Mantinea

The Campaigns of Alexander the Great

Battle of the Granicus River

Battle of Issus

Battle of Arbela (Battle of Gaugamela)

Battle of Heraclea

Battle of Cannae

Battle of Zama

Siege and Fall of Carthage

Battle of Alesia

Battle of Teutoburg Forest

Battle of Milvian Bridge

Dark and Middle Ages

Battle of Tolbiac

Battle of Tours

Battle of Roncevaux Pass

Siege of Paris

Battle of Hastings

The Crusades

Siege of Jerusalem

Battle of Hattin

Sieges of Zara and Constantinople

Heiji Rebellion

Battle of Ichi-no-Tani

Battle of Bouvines

Battle of Taillebourg

Battle of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice)

Battle of Ain Jalut

Battle of Bannockburn

Battle of Cassel

Battle of Crécy

Battle of Agincourt

Siege of Orléans

Battle of San Romano

Battle of Anghiari

Siege and Fall of Constantinople

Battle of Castillon

Early Modern Age to Wars for European Dominance

Battle of Nancy

Battle of Fornovo

Battle of Garigliano

Siege of Kufstein

Battle of Marignano

Siege and Fall of Tenochtitlan

Battle of Pavia

Battle of Kawanakajima

St Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Battle of Arques

Siege of Breda

Battle of Nördlingen

Battle of Lens

Battle of the Dunes (Battle of Dunkirk)

Battle of Tournai

Storming of Valenciennes

Battle of Vienna

Battle of Leuze

Battle of Poltava

Battle of Denain

Battle of Fontenoy

Battle of Lauffeld

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battles of Saratoga

Siege of Yorktown

Battle of Valmy

Battle of Fleurus

The Napoleonic Wars

Battle of Arcole

Battle of Rivoli

Alexander Suvorov's Italian and Swiss Campaign

Battle of the Pyramids

Battle of Aboukir

Battle of Hohenlinden

Battle of Friedland

The Third of May 1808

Battle of Wagram

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Leipzig

Battle of Waterloo

Conflicts of the 19 Century

Third Siege of Missolonghi

Battle of the Alamo

Battle of the Smala

Battle of Montebello

Battle of Balaclava

Battle of Solferino

Battle of Gettysburg

Siege of Vicksburg

Battle of Atlanta

Battle of Sadowa (Battle of Königgrätz)

Battle of Gravelotte

Battle of Little Big Horn

Battle of Omdurman

Boxer Rebellion

Russo-Japanese War

The World Wars

First World War

The Second World War

War and Abstraction

Knight, Death, and the Devil

Battle of Cascina

The Charge of the Lancers

The Bombing of Guernica



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