


Building Single-page Web Apps with Meteor电子书

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11人正在读 | 5人评论 9.8

作       者:Fabian Vogelsteller

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:49.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a web developer with basic knowledge of JavaScript and want to take on Web 2.0, build real-time applications, or simply want to write a complete application using only JavaScript and HTML/CSS, this is the book for you. This book is based on Meteor 1.0.

Building Single-page Web Apps with Meteor

Table of Contents

Building Single-page Web Apps with Meteor


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1. Getting Started with Meteor

The full-stack framework of Meteor

Meteor's requirements

Using Chrome's developer tools

Using Git and GitHub

Installing Meteor

Installing Git

Creating our first app

Creating a good folder structure

Preadd style files

Adding basic packages

Adding a core package

Adding a third-party package

Variable scopes

Meteor's folder conventions and loading order

Loading assets on the server

Meteor's command-line tool

Updating Meteor

Deploying Meteor


2. Building HTML Templates

Writing templates in Meteor

Building the basic templates

Adding templates and partials

Displaying data with template helpers

Setting the data context for a template

Using the {{#with}} block helper

"this" in template helpers and template callbacks

Adding events

Block helpers

Listing posts

Spacebars syntax

Accessing parent data contexts

Passing data to helpers


3. Storing Data and Handling Collections

Meteor and databases

Setting up a collection

Adding post examples

Querying a collection

Updating a collection

Database everywhere

Differences between client and server collections


4. Controlling the Data Flow

Syncing data – the current Web versus the new Web

Removing the autopublish package

Publishing data

Publishing only parts of data

Publishing specific fields

Lazy loading posts

Switching subscriptions

Some notes on data publishing


5. Making Our App Versatile with Routing

Adding the iron:router package

Setting up the router

Switching to a layout template

Adding another route

Moving the posts subscription to the Home route

Setting up the post route

Creating a single-post publication

Adding the post route

Linking the posts

Changing the website's title


6. Keeping States with Sessions

Meteor's session object

A better way for simple reactivity

Using sessions in template helpers

Session and hot code pushes

Rerunning functions reactively

Stopping reactive functions

Using autorun in a template

The reactive session object


7. Users and Permissions

Meteor's accounts packages

Adding the accounts packages

Adding admin functionality to our templates

Adding a link for new posts

Adding the link to edit posts

Adding the login form

Creating the template to edit posts

Creating the admin user

Adding permissions

A note on security

Creating routes for the admin

Preventing visitors from seeing the admin routes


8. Security with the Allow and Deny Rules

Adding a function to generate slugs

Creating a new post

Saving a post

Editing posts

Updating the current post

Restricting database updates

Removing the insecure package

Adding our first allow rules

Adding a deny rule

Adding posts using a method call

Method stubs and latency compensation

Changing the button

Adding the method

Calling the method


9. Advanced Reactivity

Reactive programming

The invalidating cycle

Building a simple reactive object

Rerunning functions

Creating an advanced timer object

Reactive computations

Stopping reactive functions

Preventing run at start

Advanced reactive objects


10. Deploying Our App

Deploying on meteor.com

Deploying on meteor.com using a domain name

Backup and restore databases hosted on meteor.com

Deploying on other servers

Bundling our app

Deploying using Demeteorizer

Deploying using Meteor Up

Setting up the server

Deploying with mup



11. Building Our Own Package

The structure of a package

Creating our own package

Adding the package metadata

Adding the package

Releasing our package to the public

Publishing our package online

Updating our package


12. Testing in Meteor

Types of tests

Testing packages

Adding package tests

Running the package tests

Testing our meteor app

Testing using Jasmine

Adding unit tests to the server

Adding integration tests to the client

Adding a test for the visitors

Adding a test for the admin

Acceptance tests




A. Appendix

List of Meteor's command-line tool commands

The iron:router hooks


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