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Learning Docker
Table of Contents
Learning Docker
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1. Getting Started with Docker
An introduction to Docker
Docker on Linux
Differentiating between containerization and virtualization
The convergence of containerization and virtualization
Containerization technologies
Installing the Docker engine
Installing from the Ubuntu package repository
Installing the latest Docker using docker.io script
Understanding the Docker setup
Client server communication
Downloading the first Docker image
Running the first Docker container
Running a Docker container on Amazon Web Services
2. Handling Docker Containers
Clarifying the Docker terms
Docker images and containers
A Docker layer
A Docker container
Docker Registry
Docker Repository
Working with Docker images
Docker Hub Registry
Searching Docker images
Working with an interactive container
Tracking changes inside containers
Controlling Docker containers
Housekeeping containers
Building images from containers
Launching a container as a daemon
3. Building Images
Docker's integrated image building system
A quick overview of the Dockerfile's syntax
The Dockerfile build instructions
The FROM instruction
The MAINTAINER instruction
The COPY instruction
The ADD instruction
The ENV instruction
The USER instruction
The WORKDIR instruction
The VOLUME instruction
The EXPOSE instruction
The RUN instruction
The CMD instruction
The ENTRYPOINT instruction
The ONBUILD instruction
The .dockerignore file
A brief overview of the Docker image management
Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
4. Publishing Images
Understanding the Docker Hub
Pushing images to the Docker Hub
Automating the building process for images
Private repositories on the Docker Hub
Organizations and teams on the Docker Hub
The REST APIs for the Docker Hub
5. Running Your Private Docker Infrastructure
The Docker registry and index
Docker registry use cases
Run your own index and registry
Step 1 – Deployment of the index components and the registry from GitHub
Step 2 – Configuration of nginx with the Docker registry
Step 3 – Set up SSL on the web server for secure communication
Push the image to the newly created Docker registry
6. Running Services in a Container
A brief overview of container networking
Envisaging the Container as a Service
Building an HTTP server image
Running the HTTP server Image as a Service
Connecting to the HTTP service
Exposing container services
Publishing container ports – the -p option
Network Address Translation for containers
Retrieving the container port
Binding a container to a specific IP address
Auto-generating the Docker host port
Port binding using EXPOSE and the -P option
7. Sharing Data with Containers
The data volume
Sharing host data
The practicality of host data sharing
Sharing data between containers
Data-only containers
Mounting data volume from other containers
The practicality of data sharing between containers
Avoiding common pitfalls
Directory leaks
The undesirable effect of data volume
8. Orchestrating Containers
Linking containers
Orchestration of containers
Orchestrate containers using docker-compose
Installing docker-compose
The docker-compose.yml file
The docker-compose command
Common usage
9. Testing with Docker
A brief overview of the test-driven development
Testing your code inside Docker
Running the test inside a container
Using a Docker container as a runtime environment
Integrating Docker testing into Jenkins
Preparing the Jenkins environment
Automating the Docker testing process
10. Debugging Containers
Process level isolation for Docker containers
Control groups
Debugging a containerized application
The Docker exec command
The Docker ps command
The Docker top command
The Docker stats command
The Docker events command
The Docker logs command
Installing and using nsenter
11. Securing Docker Containers
Are Docker containers secure enough?
The security facets – virtual machines versus Docker containers
The security features of containers
Resource isolation
Resource accounting and control
The root privilege – impacts and best practices
The trusted user control
Non-root containers
Loading the Docker images and the security implications
The emerging security approaches
Security-Enhanced Linux for container security
SELinux-inspired benefits
The best practices for container security
Digital signature verification
Secure deployment guidelines for Docker
The future