知名连环漫画经典,不朽的杰作·永远的珍藏。 连环漫画《父与子》是德国幽默大师埃·奥·卜劳恩的不朽杰作。作品中一个个生动幽默的小故事都是来自于漫画家在生活中的真实感受,父与子实际上就是卡劳恩与儿子克里斯蒂安的真实写照。一幅幅小巧精湛的画面闪烁着智慧之光,无言地流泻出纯真的赤子之情与融融天伦之乐,永远地震撼着人们的心灵。
售 价:¥
惩罚 Punish
有趣的书 The Interesting Book
滑轮 “汽车” The Pulley“Car”
会走的箱子 Walking Suitcase
打架 Fight
海豹 The Seals
正中靶心 Right In the Center Bull’s Eye
恢复青春 Rejuvenation
图画的局限 The Limitations of the Paintings
体育锻炼 Exercise
家庭杂技表演 Acrobatics
哄儿入睡 Hypnotism
榜样 Example
理发 Haircut
忘记加葡萄干的蛋糕 The Cake without Raisins
儿子出逃后 The Little Runaway
骑马 Ride
报复 Revenge
小兔子送来的礼物 Presents from the Rabbit
失败的挑战者 An Unsuccessful Challenger
喝醉酒的老爸 Dad Got Drunk
球赛照片 The Ball Match Photo
来自鱼儿的信 A Letter from Fish
避雨 Protected from the Rain
儿子是个发明家 My Son Is A Inventor
越长越矮 Grown Shorter
请勿打扰 Don’t Bother
本性难移 Unchanged Spots
生日的惊喜 Birthday Surprise
这太够了 More Than Enough
输棋的爸爸 After Father Lose
什么都要有个限度 Everything Should Have A Limit
两对父子 Two Pair of Father and Son
夕阳西下图 The Picture of Setting Sun
梦游者 The Sleepwalker
乐器的新用途 The New Usage of Musical Instruments
吓人的胡子 Scary beard
螺旋 The Spirals
再玩一次 Play Again
梦和现实 The Dream and The Reality
足球 The Football
不值得帮助的家伙 A Guy Not Worthy of Help
势利眼 Snobbery
按部就班 In Correct Order
救火 Put Out The Fire
新地毯 The New Carpet
不择手段 Unscrupulously
摘苹果 Pick The Apple
倔强的马 The Stubborn Horse
家长签字 The Signature
我没骗人 I’m not lying
神秘的圣诞礼物 Mystery Present for Christmas
交换圣诞礼物 Exchange the Christmas Present
爱心奉献 Love Offering
玩具枪 Toy Guns
滑冰 Skating
烧焦的食物 The Charred Food
聪明的马 The Horse Is Clever
有鬼来袭 Attacks by The Ghost
烟花雪茄 The Firework Cigar
击中要害的题词 Hitting Home
化妆舞会 Masquerade
带锚的帽子 The Hat with an Anchor
喂天鹅 Feed The Swan
白套近乎 Cotton
吓唬兔子 Scared the Rabbit
蒙混过关 false pretense
你上当了 You’ve Been Cheating
惩治歹徒 Fight with the Robber
这下不像了 Totally Not the Same
智斗偷吃豌豆的鸟 Against the Pea-eating Bird
蘑菇 Mushroom
帮倒忙的狗 The Helpless Dog
美人鱼 Mermaid
管教太晚了 Too Late To Discipline
驯马良策 Good Idea for Training the Horse
假期第一天 First Day of Holiday
失败者 Loser
放生 Let Go
我要歌德的书 I Want The Book Written by Goethe
医生禁止喝浓咖啡 The Doctor Prohibition Against Drinking Strong Coffee
推铅球 Shot Put
意外的冠军 Champion by Surprise
马蜂 Wasp
装病 Malinger
禁止垂钓 Fishing Prohibited
儿子的礼物 Present from the Son
装镜子 Fix the Mirror
忍无可忍 Unbearable
图钉 The Thumbtack
吃力不讨好 Thankless
乔装父亲 Disguise as the Father
一本吸引人的书 An Attractive Book
大力士 Hercules
木偶戏 Puppet Show
兔子导演 Rabbit Director
家教 Family Education
祖孙四代 The Four Generations
神奇的魔术书 Magical Magic Book
不许偷看 No Peeking
圣诞节的贵宾 Christmas Guests
虚惊一场 False Alarm
天降烤鸭 Roast Duck from the Heaven
新式晨报 New Style Morning Newspaper
航空信带来的惩罚 Punishment That the Airmail Brings
会反击的雪人 Counterattack by the Snowman
自制雪橇 Homemade Sled
自责 Remorse
意外发现 Accidentally Discovered
马戏团狮子 Circus Lion
养鱼 Feed the Fish
意外的遗产 Unexpected Heritage
宫中嬉闹 Play in the Palace
惊悚的礼物 Scary Present
无从下手的海鲜大餐 Seafood Dinner
习惯 Habits
虚荣的结果 The Result of Vanity
不怕鬼怪 Not Afraid of Ghost
救人 Rescue
难忘旧友 Can’t Forget the Old Friends
行善之后 After Doing Good
教育不能体罚 Education Is not Corporal Punishment
话筒里必须要有声音 There Must Have Voice in the Microphone
悲伤的乐曲 Sad Music
刀枪不入 Invulnerability
侍卫的责任 The Responsibility of the Guard
听话的侍卫 Obedient Guard
航海旅行 Sailing Trip
饥饿交响曲 Symphony of Hungry
取火 Make Fire
漂流信 Letter in the Bottle
恩将仇报 Good Deed Goes Unpunished
意外的猎物 Catch A Prey by Surprise
驯服野马 Training the Wild Horse
“救星” The“Saviors”
妙极了,原来父亲还会这一手! Wonderful, Dad Can Do This!
音乐的魅力 The Charm of Music
抓鱼 Catch the Fish
会说话的八哥 Talking Starling
意外收获 Windfall
海狸的报复 Beaver's Revenge
袋鼠 Kangaroo
所有的辛苦都“沉”了 All the Hard Work Are“Drown”
陷阱 Trap
不听话的信鸽 The Disobedient Pigeon
好心没好报 Punishment for Doing Good
龙卷风 Tornado
邮局开张了 Post Office Was Open
幻想破灭 Disillusion
被卷上岸的沉船 Wreck on the Beach
金币不如金属工具 Gold Isn’t Good as Metal Tools
别致的勋章 Chic Medals
喝醉的老爸 Dad Got Drunk
期待已久的精神食粮 The Long-awaited Spiritual Food
巧遇潜水艇 Meet the Submarine by Coincidence
被赶下潜水艇 Be Put Out of the Submarine
终于回家了 Finally Got Home
庆祝生日 Birthday Celebrate
我有这么难看吗? Am I Ugly Like This?
先下手为强 Do It First
骗人的把戏 Gimmick
这样戴眼镜 Wear Glasses Like This
爸爸晕血 Dad Is Afraid of Blood
为猎物感到悲伤 Feel Sad for the Prey
青蛙的命运 The Destiny of the Frog
画的相片 Painting Photo
美术馆趣事 Funny Things Happened in Art Gallery
帮忙 Help
报复 Revenge
警告 Warning
家族画廊 Family Gallery
难舍爱犬 Not Willing to Lose the Dog
大好时机 Good Chance
醉后剃须 Shaving After Drunk
快乐的代价 The Cost of Happy
训狗 Training the Dog
迅速实现愿望 Wish Come True
可笑的头发和可笑的胡子 Funny Hair And Funny Mustache
不必要的悲伤 Unnecessary Grief
秋千和西洋镜 Swing And Diorama
惹是生非被示众 Stir Up Trouble And Public Display
真假蜡像 The True And the Fake Wax
捉弄有钱人 Tease the Rich Family
意外中奖 Unexpected Prize
芬兰蒸气浴 Finnish Steam Bath
上勾拳 Uppercut
父与子都是发明家 Both of the Father and the Son are Inventor
骗人的魔术 Deceptive Magic
失败的杂技表演 Failure Acrobatics
自恋的鬼 Narcissistic Ghost
走火入魔 Fascinated
打错了人 Beat the Wrong Man
原来是你们! It’s You!
成名之后 After Be Famous
尾声 End