


LiveCode Mobile Development Beginner's Guide电子书

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作       者:Colin Holgate

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:111.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book will follow a tutorial style, starting from basic LiveCode coding concepts to its real-world implementation. It will teach developers how to use this new framework to develop interactive, cross-platform mobile applications. If you are a developer, consultant or student looking to create fast, scalable mobile applications, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of programming such as understanding variables, expressions, control structures and functions is required.

LiveCode Mobile Development Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

LiveCode Mobile Development Beginner's Guide


About the Author

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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action — heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz — heading

Have a go hero — heading

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code




1. LiveCode Fundamentals

Background history and metaphors

You do have LiveCode, don't you?

Learning the lay of the land

Main windows

Time for action — it's a drag, but you'll like it!

What just happened?

Creating a hierarchy

Stack structure

Where code goes

Time for action — making and navigating between cards

What just happened?

Pop quiz — best name?

Making a simple calculator application

Inspector clues, oh…

Time for action — making the calculator buttons

What just happened?

Verbosity, synonyms, and "me"

Adding the card handlers

Variable types in LiveCode

Pop quiz — try to remember…

Extending the calculator

Have a go hero — getting to the root of things

Other interface controls

Video player control

Still image control

Rollover buttons

Many More Controls…


RunRev's online tutorials


2. Getting Started with LiveCode Mobile

iOS, Android, or both?

Becoming an Android developer

Android Market

Amazon Appstore

Pop quiz — when is something too much?

Downloading the Android SDK

Installing Android SDK on Mac OS X (Intel)

Installing Android SDK on Windows

Pointing LiveCode to the Android SDK

Pop quiz — tasty code names

Becoming an iOS developer

Pop quiz — iOS code names

Installing Xcode

Pointing LiveCode to the iOS SDKs

Before we can make our first mobile app

Getting ready to test for Android

Time for action — starting an Android virtual device

What just happened?

Connecting a physical Android device

Using a Kindle Fire

Time for action — adding a Kindle Fire to ADB

What just happened?

Getting ready to test for iOS

Time for action — using the iOS simulator

What just happened?

Appiness at last!

Time for action — testing a simple stack in the simulators

What just happened?

Time for action — testing a simple stack on devices

What just happened?

Have a go hero — Nook

Further reading


3. Building User Interfaces

Setting up a test bed mobile app

Time for action — making the test bed stack

What just happened?

Invoking the desktop e-mail application

Time for action — calling the native e-mail application

What just happened?

Installing the e-mail test onto devices

Time for action — trying test bed stack on devices

What just happened?

Opening a web page

Time for action — calling the native browser application

What just happened?

Mobile-only, date picker

Time for action — showing a date picker

What just happened?

Mobile-only, loading pictures

Time for action — loading pictures

What just happened?

Pop quiz — getting the big picture

Making OS styled buttons

Using bitmaps

Time for action — using Photoshop to prepare button states

What just happened?

Pop quiz — the cost of things these days

MobGUI to the rescue!

Time for action — getting started with MobGUI

What just happened?

Test bed app, the MobGUI way

Time for action — using MobGUI to make a test bed app

What just happened?

MobGUI native controls

Time for action — using native controls from MobGUI

What just happened?

Have a go hero — other tests and pretty icons

Adjusting things for different screen sizes

Layout using a resize handler

Time for action — simple code layout example

What just happened?

Layout using the LiveCode Geometry Manager

Time for action — using the Geometry Manager to position buttons

What just happened?

Layout using MobGUI

Time for action — using MobGUI to remember layouts for us

What just happened?

Have a go hero — other sizes

Further reading


4. Using Remote Data and Media

Stack structure

Code driven and manually created layouts

Locations for code

Pop quiz — name that structure

Loading and saving external data

Querying a URL

Reading and writing to a text file

Using another stack to store data

Time for action — creating a data save stack

What just happened?

Pop quiz — other special places

Creating a web "scraper" app

Time for action — setting up tab navigation

What just happened?

The Browser card

Time for action — adding the browser controls

What just happened?

The Links card

Time for action — making a links extraction function

What just happened?

The missing links

One more thing…

Time for action — adding the Links card "init" handler

What just happened?

The Text card

Time for action — setting up the Text card

What just happened?

The Media card

Time for action — extracting a list of media links

What just happened?

Time for action — setting up the Media card scripts

What just happened?

The Keepers card

Time for action — setting up the Keepers card

What just happened?

Have a go hero — add some preset locations

What now?


5. Making a Jigsaw Puzzle Application

Image data format

Mystery byte…

Misusing imageData!

Time for action — testing a getPixel function

What just happened?

Pop-Quiz — how many bits in a byte?

Simulating lots and lots of buttons

Time for action — making a map of the United States

What just happened?

Pop-Quiz — getting the big picture

Using maskData for collision detection

Time for action — making a racecourse

What just happened?

Time for action — making a race car

What just happened?

Pop-Quiz — calculate this!

Making a jigsaw puzzle

Going to pieces…

Time for action — creating the pieces and choosing an image

What just happened?

Time for action — transferring imageData

What just happened?

Adding interactivity

Time for action — setting up touch events

What just happened?

Have a go hero — one for the kids


6. Making a Reminder Application

What is a "reminder"?


Date and time pickers

Time for action — creating date and time pickers

What just happened?

Pop-Quiz — AO (Odd Acronyms!)


Time for action — trying out native location tracking

What just happened?

Calculating the distance between two points on Earth

Pop quiz — what floor is my apartment on?


Making the reminders app

Laying out the cards

Time for action — creating the reminder app screens

What just happened?

Stack level scripts

Time for action — adding Stack level functions

What just happened?

Home card scripts

Time for action — making the Home card buttons work

What just happened?

Creating a location card

Time for action — making the location card work

What just happened?

Reminder entry form

Time for action — taking in information about the reminder

What just happened?

Have a go hero — nice transitions


7. Deploying to Your Device

Standalone Application Settings



Copy Files


Build for

Basic Application Settings


Splash Screens

Orientation Options

Custom URL Scheme

Requirements and Restrictions

Status Bar


Basic Application Settings

Requirements and Restrictions

Application Permissions

User Interface Options

Building Apps for Beta Testers

Sending an Android App to testers

Preparing an iOS App so that it can work on someone else's device

Creating "over the air" installers for iOS




Creating an app store submission file

Finding and using the Android Keytool application

Creating a distribution certificate for iOS

Uploading to the app stores

What's similar

What's different

Bottom line


A. Extending LiveCode

The story so far…

Extending LiveCode



DropTools Palette


Creating your own add-ons

Custom controls


B. Pop quiz Answers

Chapter 1, LiveCode Fundamentals

Pop quiz — best name?

Pop quiz — try to remember…

Chapter 2, Getting Started with LiveCode Mobile

Pop quiz — when is something too much?

Pop quiz — tasty code names

Pop quiz — iOS code names

Chapter 3, Building User Interfaces

Pop quiz — getting the big picture

Pop quiz — the cost of things these days

Chapter 4, Using Remote Data and Media

Pop quiz — name that structure

Pop quiz — other special places

Chapter 5, Making a Jigsaw Puzzle Application

Pop-Quiz — how many bits in a byte?

Pop-Quiz — getting the big picture

Pop-Quiz — calculate this!

Chapter 6, Making a Reminders Application

Pop-Quiz — AO (Odd Acronyms!)

Pop-Quiz — What floor is my apartment on?


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