


Moodle 2.0 First Look电子书

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0人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Mary Cooch

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:78.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book looks at the main functional areas of Moodle that have significant new features, explains the new features and how to use them. It draws attention to significant differences from how things used to behave, and gives the reader an idea of the kind of consequences these changes will bring to them. If you are an existing Moodle user, tutor, or administrator, then this book is for you. You are expected to be familiar with the operation of Moodle.

Moodle 2.0 First Look

Table of Contents

Moodle 2.0 First Look


About the Author

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. What's New in Moodle 2

Why read this book?

Looks cleaner, moves faster

A new way of managing your content

More places to have your say

Existing activities updated and improved

Control your students' progress

Improved admin

How do we get Moodle 2.0?

What you need for Moodle 2.0

Installing Moodle 2.0 for the first time

Upgrading to Moodle 2.0

Potential problems with upgrading


Third party add-ons and custom code

Backup and Restore


2. Finding our way around (Navigation and Blocks)

Meet the cast





What does Moodle 2.0 look like?

What do users who are logged in see?

Home/My home

Site pages

My profile

My courses

The Settings block

Navigating around a course

Named topic sections

What does a student see?

Configuring the navigation block

The Navigation bar (breadcrumb trail)

The course administration block

What admin sees

Managing blocks

Making a block sticky throughout our Moodle

Adding a block to a course category page

Adding a block to courses in one category

Teachers managing blocks in courses

Hiding blocks

Moving blocks


3. Editing Text and Managing Files

Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0

Embedding multimedia in the HTML editor

Managing files

Uploading through the HTML editor

Where's our file on the front page?

Reusing a file in another course

Uploading a file from the Resource menu

Where's our file in the course?

Follow the path!

What about "Course files"?

What about FTP?

Importing an image from Flickr

Using images from other Flickr users

Private files—personal storage space

Sending work out of Moodle with the Portfolio API

Exporting an assignment

Exporting a forum post


4. What's new in Add a Resource

New look — new wording

Adding a file

Displaying a file

Resource administration

Edit settings

Locally assigned roles and Permissions

Adding a folder

Uploading a folder to Moodle

Adding an IMS content package

Inserting a label

So what's new? Other options for our label


Adding a page


Adding a link to a website with URL


5. What's new in Add an Activity

Spot the difference...

What's hiding?

What's changed?

Making a Moodle 2.0 quiz

Where do we go from here?

Creating questions for our quiz

Click Add a question

Add question details

Adding more questions

Ordering and displaying the quiz questions

What does the student see?

Making sure our students don't submit before they've answered all the questions

The teacher's perspective

Making more quizzes

Sharing questions between courses

Quiz reports

Recap on the Quiz

Making a Moodle 2.0 Wiki

Adding new pages

What's new in the tabs






Recap on the wiki

What's new in the Workshop

The set-up phase

Workshop features

Grading settings

Submission and assessment settings

When and who?

The submission phase

How does the student submit their work?

Who assesses what?

The assessment phase

How do students assess each others' work?

What the teacher sees

Weighting the assessments

The grading evaluation phase

Teacher control

A glance in the gradebook

Where's the League table?

Recap on the workshop

Downloading assignments

A new forum type

Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format

Neater display of SCORM packages


6. Managing the Learning Path

Why would we want to do this?

What admin needs to do

What the course teacher needs to do

Setting up the tasks

Setting up the introductory webpage

Restricting when students see a resource: 1

No restrictions

What does Only available from mean?

What does Grade condition mean?

What does Activity completion condition mean?

What does Add 2 grade/activity conditions to form mean?

What does Before activity is available mean?

Restricting when students see a resource: 2

Activity completion condition: Require view

What does Completion tracking mean?

What does Require view mean?

What does Expect completed mean?

Setting up the forum

Grade condition

Activity completion condition

Before activity is available

Restricting when students see a resource: 3

Activity completion condition: Require post

Completion tracking

Require view

Require grade

Require posts

Require discussions/require replies

Expect completed

Setting up the quiz

Only available from

Grade condition

Activity completion condition

Before activity is available

Restricting when students see a resource: 4

Activity completion condition: Require grade

Completion tracking

Require view

Require grade

Expect completed

Setting a pass or fail grade condition

Setting up the Lesson

Grade condition

Activity completion condition

How can students track their progress?

The completion tracking options

What does a student see?

Automatic tracking

Manual tracking

Differentiating with conditional activities

Differentiating with a grade condition

Basic Lesson grade conditions

Intermediate Lesson grade conditions

Differentiating with a forum post

Marking a course as "Complete"

Overall criteria type aggregation

Course prerequisites

Manual self completion

Manual completion by

Activities completed


Duration after enrolment



Course Completion in Practice: Example 1

What does a student see? How can they self-complete?

Course Completion in Practice: Example 2

What does a teacher see?

What does a student see?


7. Having your say

Blogs—before and after

Where's my blog?

The Blog Menu block

The Recent Blog Entries block

Course specific blogs

The blog tags block

Blog settings


External blogs

Register an external blog

Admin issues

Commenting on blogs

Getting a dialog going

Deleting comments in a blog

Recap—the blog in Moodle 2.0

Using the Comments block

Deleting comments on the course page

Why comment on the course page?

Students comment on the usefulness of a resource

Teachers comment in private (1)

What admin needs to do

What the teacher needs to do

Teachers comment in private (2)

Moderating grades with a Comments block

Students hold a dialogue during a workshop or Wiki

Recap the Comments block in Moodle 2.0

Moodle messaging

What does admin need to do?

Where are my message options?

What does admin see?

What does a teacher or student see?

How do messages display?

Giving feedback

Why anonymous?

Adding a new feedback

Giving feedback


8. Admin Issues

The navigation block

The Settings block

Changes in Site administration


Community hubs

Advanced features

Completion tracking

Progress tracked roles

Enable conditional availability

What's new in Users


Bulk User Actions



User Policies

Site administrators

Define roles

Assign system roles

Check system permissions

Capability reports

What's new in Courses

What's new in Grades

What's new in Location

What's new in Plugins

Activity modules




Manage enrol plugins

Text editors





Repository example 1: Flickr

Repository example 2: File System an FTP workaround

What does a course tutor see?

Repository example 3: Webdav — another FTP workaround


Question types

Local plugins

What's new in security

IP blocker

Site policies

What's new in appearance


Theme settings

Individual theme settings pages



Default MyMoodle page

Default profile page

Course Contacts

Ajax and JavaScript

What's new in Front page

Front page settings




Front page roles

Front page filters

Front Page backup/restore

Where are site files?

What's new in server

What's new in networking

What's new in reports


Config changes

Question instances



Web service test client

Purge all caches

Moodle network test client

Functional database tests

Changes in Course administration

How to enrol students into a course—the Users link

How to back up a course — the Backup link

How to restore a course—the Restore link

How to share a course—the Publish link


Where are the course files?



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