


WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Administration Guide电子书

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14人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Steve Robinson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:266.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is an example-driven tutorial that introduces you to the WebSphere application server and then takes you through all the major aspects of server configuration. It covers everything you need to deploy and tune your applications for best performance. This book is for administrators with some experience in Java who want to get started with WebSphere. Existing WebSphere users will also find this book useful, especially as there are so many new features in the new version.

WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Administration Guide

Table of Contents

WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Administration Guide


About the Author


About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book


Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code for the book




1. Installing WebSphere Application Server

Installation planning

Installation scenarios

Profile types

Preparation and prerequisites

Graphical installation

Installing the base binaries

Downloading the WAS for Linux trial

Installing PuTTY

Installing WinSCP

Uploading the trial install to your Linux server

Installing as root

Running the launchpad

Installation wizard welcome screen

Software license agreement

System prerequisites check

Optional features

Installation directory

WebSphere Application Server environments

Profile creation

Installation registry files

Installation logs

Profile manager logs and files



Admin console

Silent installation

Creating a response file

Editing a response file

Running the installer silently

Examining installation logs


2. Deploying your Applications

Inside the Application Server


Web container

Virtual hosts

Environment settings



Application file types

Deploying an application

Starting and stopping your applications

Data access applications

Data sources

Preparing our sample database

JDBC providers

Creating a JDBC provider

Creating a J2C alias

Creating a data source

Deploying a data access application

Selecting installation options

Mapping modules to servers

Providing JSP reloading options for web modules

Mapping shared libraries

Mapping resource references to resources

Mapping virtual hosts for web modules

Mapping context roots for web modules

Reviewing the deployment steps

Using the application


3. Security

J2EE security

Global security

Global security registry types

Turning on global security

Standalone custom registry

Local operating system

Creating a Linux user

Standalone LDAP

Download OpenLDAP

Installing OpenLDAP

Configuring OpenLDAP

Adding a user to LDAP

Configuring an LDAP registry in WebSphere

Administrative roles

Mapping users and groups to administrative roles


4. Administrative Scripting


The ws_ant tool

Deploying an application using ws_ant

The wsadmin tool

Interactive commands

Individual commands

Profile scripts

Command script files

Listing installed applications with Jython

Installing an application using Jython

Querying application status


5. WebSphere Configuration

File structure

The WebSphere file system

The product binaries file structure

The profile file structure

XML configuration files

Cell level XML files

Node level XML files

Server level XML files

Important properties files

The soap.client.props file

The sas.client.props file


JVM logs

Configuring logs

Changing log file locations

Changing log styles

FFDC logs

Viewing JVM logs

Viewing logs in the admin console

Viewing logs on the file system

Linux tail command

Linux grep command

JVM settings

Changing JVM settings using the admin console

Class loaders

Class loading basics

WebSphere class loaders

Application server class loader

Configuring server class loaders

Classloader policy

Class loading mode

Application class loader

Configuring application class loaders

Class loader order

WAR class loader policy

Web module class loader

Configuring module class loading

Class loader order

Class loading isolation


6. WebSphere Messaging

Java messaging

Java Message Service

JMS features

JMS concepts

Point-to-point or queuing model

Publish and subscribe model


WebSphere messaging

Default JMS provider

WebSphere SIB

Creating a SIB

Configuring JMS

Creating queue connection factories

Creating queue destinations

Installing the JMS demo application

JMS Test Tool application

WebSphere MQ overview

Overview of WebSphere MQ example

Installing WebSphere MQ

Running the WMQ installer

Creating a queue manager

Creating a WMQ connection factory

Creating a WMQ queue destination

Reconfiguring the JMS demo application


7. Monitoring and Tuning

Tivoli Performance Viewer

Enabling Tivoli Performance Viewer

Key TPV categories

Summary Reports

Key performance modules

Starting Tivoli Performance Viewer

PMI for external monitoring

Request metrics

Enabling request metrics

Components to be instrumented

Trace level

Request metrics destination

Request metrics in SystemOut.log

Retrieving performance data with PerfServlet

Dynamic caching

JVM tuning

JVM core and heap dumps

Requesting a Java core dump using Jython

Requesting a heap dump using Jython

Requesting a Java core dump using the kill command

JVM-triggered heap dump

Analysing a Java core (thread) dump

IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java

Installing the JCA tool

Generate a Java core dump to view the thread lock

Other analysis tools

Setting the initial and maximum heap sizes

Tuning your heap size


8. Administrative Features

The administrative agent

Creating an administration profile

Profile Management Tool

Starting the administrative agent

Administrative agent console

Registering an application server node

Creating a second application server node

Removing the administrative agent


Starting IBM HTTP Server

The WebSphere plugin

Installing the WebSphere plugin

Manual configuration of the plugin

Generate plugin


9. Administration Tools

Dumping namespaces

Example name space dump

EAR expander

Oveview of the WebSphere Application Server toolkit

Installing the WebSphere Application Server toolkit

Running the Application Server toolkit

Log analysis using the ASTK

Creating a new project

Importing log files

Applying filters

Selecting columns

Loading symptom databases

Inspecting J2EE applications


10. Product Maintenance

Understanding updates

Update process overview

Product update types

Preparing for updates

Locating updates

Fix Central

Update installers

Creating a backup

Installing a new Update Installer

Downloading the Update Installer

Installing the graphical Update Installer

Applying an update using the Update Installer

Silent updates


Troubleshooting tips



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