


Enterprise Application Development with ExtJS and Spring电子书

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作       者:Gerald Gierer

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:240.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An easy-to-follow tutorial, that breaks down the enterprise application development journey into easy to understand phases documented by clear examples and concise explanations.If you are an intermediate developer with a good understanding of Java, JavaScript and web development concepts, this book is ideal for you. Basic ExtJS development experience, including an understanding of the framework APIs is needed by those of you who are interested in this book. Regardless of your experience and background, the practical examples provided in this book are written in a way that thoroughly covers each concept before moving on to the next chapter.

Enterprise Application Development with Ext JS and Spring

Table of Contents

Enterprise Application Development with Ext JS and Spring


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Application architects

Java developers

Ext JS developers


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1. Preparing Your Development Environment

Installing MySQL

Installing the Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Installing the NetBeans IDE

Introducing Maven

Creating the Maven Web Application project

Understanding the POM and dependency management

Understanding dependency scope

Defining Maven properties

Understanding Maven-build plugins

Executing the Maven build

Starting the GlassFish 4 server

Running the Task Time Tracker project


2. The Task Time Tracker Database

Connecting NetBeans with MySQL

The 3T database

The company table

The projects table

The tasks table

The user table

The task log table

Enterprise options for the 3T database

Password encryption

LDAP integration

Audit trails

Logon activity audits

Custom audit tables


3. Reverse Engineering the Domain Layer with JPA

Understanding the reasons for using JPA

Understanding JPA implementations

Reverse engineering with NetBeans

Introducing the persistence.xml file

Refactoring the Java classes

The Company.java file

The @Entity annotation

The @Table annotation

The @Id annotation

The @GeneratedValue annotation

The @Basic annotation

The @Column annotation

The @NotNull and @Size annotations

The @OneToMany annotation

The @NamedQueries annotation

The Projects.java file

The @ManyToOne annotation

Bidirectional mapping and owning entities

The Task.java file

The User.java file

The TaskLog.java file

Introducing the Java Persistence Query Language

Defining named queries

Refactoring Java equals() and hashCode()


4. Data Access Made Easy

Defining the DAO interfaces

Adding the CompanyDao interface

Adding the ProjectDao interface

Defining a generic DAO interface

The TaskDao interface

The UserDao interface

The TaskLogDao interface

Defining the generic DAO implementation

The Simple Logging Facade for Java

The@PersistenceContext(unitName = "tttPU") line

The @Transactional annotation

The Propagation.REQUIRED property

The Propagation.SUPPORTS property

The readOnly property

Other transaction properties

Defining the DAO implementations

The CompanyDaoImpl class

The ProjectDaoImpl class

The TaskDaoImpl class

The UserDaoImpl class

The TaskLogDaoImpl class

A better domain layer

Exercise – a simple change request


5. Testing the DAO Layer with Spring and JUnit

Unit testing overview

The benefits of unit testing

Configuring the test environment

The jdbc.properties file

The logback.xml file

The test-persistence.xml file

Introducing the Spring IoC container

Exploring the testingContext.xml file

The Spring XML namespaces

The property file configuration

Creating the JDBC DataSource

Defining helper beans

Defining the EntityManagerFactory class

Configuring the transaction manager

Autowiring beans

Thanks for the plumbing!

Enabling the Maven environment for testing

Defining a test case superclass

Defining the CompanyDao test case

Running the JUnit test cases with Maven

Running the CompanyDaoTest.java file

The results for the CompanyDaoTests.testMerge test case

The results for the CompanyDaoTests.testFindAll test case

The results for the CompanyDaoTests.testFind test case

Results for the CompanyDaoTests.testPersist test case

Results for the CompanyDaoTests.testRemove test case

JPA traps for the unwary



6. Back to Business – The Service Layer

Service layer considerations

Building the service layer

The Result Data Transfer Object

The AbstractService.java class

The service layer interfaces

Implementing the service layer

Authentication, authorization, and security

The CompanyService implementation

The TaskService implementation

The TaskLogService implementation

Testing the service layer

Automating the service layer tests



7. The Web Request Handling Layer

A brief history of Web MVC

Request handling for enterprise web applications

Building the request handling layer

Preparing for JSON generation

Implementing the Company addJson method

Implementing the Project addJson method

Implementing the Task addJson method

Implementing the User addJson method

Implementing the TaskLog addJson method

A note on JSON

Creating the request handlers

Defining the AbstractHandler superclass

Defining the SecurityHandler class

The @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations

The @ResponseBody annotation

The @RequestParam annotation

Authenticating a user

Logging out

Defining the CompanyHandler class

Defining the ProjectHandler class

The Spring HandlerInterceptor interface

The Spring MVC configuration

Defining the TaskLogHandler class

The @InitBinder annotation

More on Spring MVC



8. Running 3T on GlassFish

Configuring the 3T web application

The Spring applicationContext.xml file

The web.xml file

The glassfish-web.xml file

Configuring the Maven pom.xml file

Adding eclipselink.target-server to the persistence.xml file

Adding the logback.xml file to your resources directory

Configuring the GlassFish server

Renaming the setup directory

Starting the GlassFish server in NetBeans

Configuring the JDBC connection pool

Configuring the JDBC resource

Running 3T

Managing GlassFish without NetBeans


9. Getting Started with Ext JS 4

The importance of application design

Ext JS 4 MVC concepts




Ext JS 4 flexibility

Ext JS 4 design conventions and concepts

Practical conventions

Project structure

Naming conventions

Naming stores and models

Naming views

Naming controllers

Naming xtypes

The Ext JS 4 development environment

Installing Sencha Cmd

Installing Ext JS 4 SDK

Generating the 3T Ext JS 4 application skeleton

The index.html file

The app.js and Application.js files

The bootstrap.js and bootstrap.css files

The app/Viewport.js and app/view/Main.js files

The app/controller/Main.js file

Creating components using Sencha Cmd

Generating model skeletons

Generating views and controllers using Sencha Cmd


10. Logging On and Maintaining Users

Layouts, screens, and workflows

Defining view components

Building our views

Defining the Logon window

Using the initComponent() function

Defining the viewport

The MainHeader.js view

The MainCards.js file

Defining the Welcome panel

Defining the user management components

The ManageUsers.js file

The UserForm.js file

The UserList.js file

The User store

Models and persistence

Defining the proxy

Comparing AJAX and REST proxies

Defining the reader

Defining the writer

Defining validations

Controlling the Logon and Viewport actions

The MainController.js file

Controlling our user views

The doAddUser function

The doSelectUser function

The doSaveUser function

The doDeleteUser function

Let's log on!

Let's maintain users


11. Building the Task Log User Interface

Task log workflows and layouts

Building our task log views

The ManageTaskLogs.js file

The TaskLogForm.js file

The TaskLogList.js file

Defining our models

The TaskLog Model

The Project model

The Task Model

Defining our stores

The TaskLog store

The Project store

The Task store

Controlling the TaskLog actions

Testing the task log interface


12. 3T Administration Made Easy

Administration workflows and layouts

Building the 3T administration interface

The ManageTasks.js file

The CompanyForm.js file

The ProjectForm.js file

The TaskForm.js file

The CompanyTree.js file

Introducing the Ext.data.TreeStore class

Generating a JSON tree in the CompanyHandler class

The CompanyHandler.getTreeNodeId() method

The CompanyHandler.getCompanyTreeJson() method

Controlling the 3T administration

Defining the Company model and store

The doAfterActivate function

The doSelectTreeItem function

The doSave functions

The doDelete functions

The doAdd functions

Testing the 3T administration interface

Dynamically loading tree nodes

Displaying multiple tree columns

Drag-and-drop made easy


13. Moving Your Application to Production

Compiling with Sencha Cmd

Ext JS 4 theming

Compiling for production use

Integrating Sencha Cmd compiling with Maven

Adding the build version and timestamp

Building a slimmer WAR file

Deploying the WAR file to GlassFish

Opening the GlassFish admin console

GlassFish security basics

Deploying the WAR file using the admin console

Deploying the WAR file using asadmin

Further deployment information and reading

GlassFish performance tuning and optimization


A. Introducing Spring Data JPA


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