


WildFly Configuration, Deployment, and Administration - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Christopher Ritchie

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:460.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is aimed at Java developers, system administrators, application testers using WildFly, and anyone who performs a DevOps role. Whether you are completely new to WildFly or just require an understanding of WildFly's new features, this book is for you.

WildFly Configuration, Deployment, and Administration Second Edition

Table of Contents

WildFly Configuration, Deployment, and Administration Second Edition


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1. Installing WildFly

What's new in WildFly 8?

Getting started with the application server

Installing the Java environment

Installing Java on Linux

Installing Java on Windows

Installing WildFly 8

Starting WildFly

Connecting to the server with the command-line interface

Stopping WildFly

Locating the shutdown script

Stopping WildFly on a remote machine

Restarting WildFly

Installing the Eclipse environment

Installing JBoss tools

Exploring the application server filesystem

The bin folder

The docs folder

The domain folder

The standalone folder

The welcome-content folder

The modules folder

Understanding WildFly's kernel

Loading application server modules


2. Configuring the Core WildFly Subsystems

Configuring our application server



Management interfaces

Profiles and subsystems


The socket-binding groups

System properties


Configuring core subsystems

Configuring the thread pool subsystem

Configuring the thread factory

The bounded-queue thread pool

The blocking bounded-queue thread pool

The unbounded-queue thread pool

The queueless thread pool

The blocking queueless thread pool

The scheduled thread pool

Configuring application server logging

Choosing your logging implementation

Configuring the logging subsystem

The console-handler

The periodic-rotating-file-handler

The size-rotating-file-handler

The async-handler

The syslog-handler

Custom handlers

Configuring loggers

Per-deployment logging

Bypassing container logging


3. Configuring Enterprise Services

Connecting to a database

Installing the JDBC driver

Adding a local datasource

Configuring the connection pool

Configuring the statement cache

Adding an xa-datasource

Installing the driver as a deployment unit

Choosing the right driver deployment strategy

Configuring a datasource programmatically

Configuring the Enterprise JavaBeans container

Configuring the EJB components

Configuring the stateless session beans

Using CLI to configure the stateless pool size

Configuring the stateful session beans

Configuring the message-driven beans

Configuring the timer service

Configuring the messaging system

Configuring the transport

Configuring connection factories

Configuring JMS destinations

Customizing destinations with an address

HornetQ persistence configuration

Configuring the transactions service

Configuring concurrency

Configuring the context service

Configuring the managed thread factory

Configuring the managed executor service

Configuring the managed schedule executor service


4. The Undertow Web Server

An overview of Undertow

The Undertow architecture

Configuring Undertow

Configuring the server

Configuring the listener

Configuring the host

Serving static content

Configuring the servlet container

Configuring JSP

Configuring the session cookie

Saving the session state

Configuring the buffer cache

Creating and deploying a web application

Creating a new Maven web project

Adding JSF components

Adding the EJB layer

Choosing the web context of the application

Deploying the web application

Deploying a web application to the root context

Adding a remote EJB client

Configuring the client using a properties file

Configuring the client programmatically

Configuring data persistence

Using a default datasource for the JPA subsystem

Configuring entities

Configuring persistence in other application archives

Switching to a different provider

Using Jipijapa


5. Configuring a WildFly Domain

Introducing the WildFly domain

Understanding the default domain configuration

Starting up and stopping a domain

Configuring the domain

Overriding the default configuration files

Configuring the domain.xml file

Configuring the host.xml file

Configuring the management interfaces

Configuring the network interfaces

Configuring the domain controller

Configuring the JVM

Adding JVM options to a server definition

Order of precedence between elements

Configuring server nodes

Applying domain configuration

Creating our very own domain configuration

Changing the domain configuration at runtime


6. Application Structure and Deployment

Deploying resources on the application server

The JAR file

The WAR file

The EAR file

Deploying applications on a standalone WildFly server

Automatic application deployment

Deploying applications to a custom folder

Changing the behavior of the deployment scanner

Deployment rollback

Deploying an application using the CLI

Deploying an application using the web admin console

Deploying an application using the WildFly Eclipse plugin

Configuring Eclipse deployments

Manual application deployment

Deploying applications on a WildFly domain

Deploying to a domain using the CLI

Deploying to all server groups

Deploying to a single server group

Deploying to a domain using the Admin console

Explaining WildFly classloading

Getting to know module names

Finding the isolation level

Implicit dependencies

Explicit dependencies

Setting up global modules

Advanced deployment strategies

Setting up a single module dependency

Excluding the server's automatic dependencies

Isolating sub-deployments

Using the Class-Path declaration to solve dependencies


7. Using the Management Interfaces

The command-line interface (CLI)

Reloading the server configuration

Employing the CLI

Navigating through the resources and executing operations

Operations that can be issued on a resource

Executing commands with the CLI

Adding a JMS destination

Creating and modifying datasources

Creating and modifying XA datasources

Getting help from the CLI

Executing CLI scripts in batch

Advanced batch commands

Executing scripts in a file

Redirecting non-interactive output

Taking snapshots of the configuration

What the application server saves for you

Taking your own snapshots

History of CLI

The web admin console

Accessing the admin console

Configuring server profiles

Configuring datasources

Creating a new XA datasource

Configuring JMS destinations

Configuring socket-binding groups

The CLI or web console?


8. Clustering

Setting up a WildFly cluster

Setting up a cluster of standalone servers

A cluster of nodes running on different machines

A cluster of nodes running on the same machine

Setting up a cluster on the same machine using multiple IP addresses

Setting up a cluster on the same machine using port offset

Setting up a cluster of domain servers

Troubleshooting the cluster

Configuring the WildFly cluster

Configuring the JGroups subsystem

Customizing the protocol stack

Configuring the Infinispan subsystem

Configuring session cache containers

Choosing between replication and distribution

Configuring the hibernate cache

Using replication for the hibernate cache

Advanced Infinispan configuration

Configuring the Infinispan transport

Configuring the Infinispan threads

Clustering the messaging subsystem

Configuring messaging credentials

Configuring clustering in your applications

Clustering session beans

Clustering entities

Caching entities

Using JPA annotations

Using Hibernate annotations

Caching queries

Clustering web applications


9. Load-balancing Web Applications

Benefits of using the Apache web server with WildFly

Using the mod_jk library

Installing Apache

Installing mod_jk

Configuring mod_proxy

Load-balancing with mod_cluster

Installing mod_cluster libraries

The mod_cluster configuration

Testing mod_cluster

Managing mod_cluster via the CLI

Managing your web contexts with the CLI

Adding native management capabilities

Managing web contexts using the configuration file

Troubleshooting mod_cluster

Load-balancing between nodes

Using load metrics

An example for setting dynamic metrics on a cluster


10. Securing WildFly

Approaching Java security API

The WildFly security subsystem

Using the UsersRoles login module

Using the Database login module

Encrypting passwords

Using an LDAP login module

Connecting LDAP to WildFly

Securing web applications

Securing EJBs

Securing web services

Securing the management interfaces

Role-based access control

Configuring groups

Securing the transport layer

Enabling the Secure Socket Layer

Certificate management tools

Securing HTTP communication with a self-signed certificate

Securing the HTTP communication with a certificate signed by a CA


11. WildFly, OpenShift, and Cloud Computing

Introduction to cloud computing

Cloud computing versus grid computing

Advantages of cloud computing

Cloud computing options

Types of cloud services

Getting started with OpenShift Online

Installing OpenShift client tools

Accessing your OpenShift account from a different computer

Creating our first OpenShift application

Installing your first cartridge

Understanding the workflow

Building the application

Viewing the OpenShift server logfiles

Tailing the logfile

Viewing logs via SSH

Managing applications in OpenShift

Configuring your applications

Adding a database cartridge

Using OpenShift Tools and Eclipse

Scaling your application


A. CLI References

Startup options

General commands

The domain-mode commands

Commands related to application deployment



Datasources (using operations on resources)





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