


Learning Nagios 4电子书

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作       者:Wojciech Kocjan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:276.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book will introduce Nagios to readers who are interested in monitoring their systems. All the concepts in the book are explained in a simplified manner, presented in an easytounderstand language with lots of tips, tricks, and illustrations. This book is great for system administrators interested in using Nagios to monitor their systems. It will also help professionals who have already worked with earlier versions of Nagios to understand the new features of Nagios 4 and provides usable solutions to reallife problems related to Nagios administration. To effectively use this book, system administration knowledge is required. If you want to create your own plugins, knowledge of *ing languages like Perl, shell and Python is expected.

Learning Nagios 4

Table of Contents

Learning Nagios 4


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1. Introducing Nagios

Understanding the basics of Nagios

The benefits of monitoring resources

Main features

Soft and hard states

What's new in Nagios 4.0


2. Installing Nagios 4


Upgrading from previous versions

Installing prerequisites

Obtaining Nagios

Setting up users and groups

Compiling and installing Nagios

Compiling and installing Nagios plugins

Setting up Nagios as a system service

Resolving errors with script for Nagios system service

Configuring Nagios

Creating the main configuration file

Understanding macro definitions

Configuring hosts

Configuring host groups

Configuring services

Configuring service groups

Configuring commands

Configuring time periods

Configuring contacts

Configuring contact groups

Verifying the configuration

Understanding notifications

Templates and object inheritance


3. Using the Nagios Web Interface

Setting up the web interface

Configuring the web server

Creating an administrative user for Nagios

Accessing the web interface


Using the web interface

Checking the tactical overview

Viewing the status map

Managing hosts

Checking statuses

Viewing host information

Managing services

Checking statuses

Viewing service information

Managing downtime

Checking downtime statuses

Scheduling downtime

Managing comments

Nagios information

Viewing process information

Checking performance information

Generating reports

Changing the look of the Nagios web interface

Third-party Nagios web interfaces


4. Using the Nagios Plugins

Understanding how checks work

Monitoring using the standard network plugins

Testing the connection to a remote host

Testing the connectivity using TCP and UDP

Monitoring the e-mail servers

Checking the POP3 and IMAP servers

Testing the SMTP protocol

Monitoring network services

Checking the FTP server

Verifying the DHCP protocol

Monitoring the Nagios process

Testing the websites

Monitoring the database systems

Checking MySQL

Checking PostgreSQL

Checking Oracle

Checking other databases

Monitoring the storage space

Checking the swap space

Monitoring the disk status using SMART

Checking the disk space

Testing the free space for remote shares

Monitoring the resources

Checking the system load

Checking the processes

Monitoring the logged-in users

Monitoring other operations

Checking for updates with APT

Monitoring the UPS status

Gathering information from the lm-sensors

Using the dummy check plugin

Manipulating other plugins' output

Additional and third-party plugins

Monitoring the network software

Using third-party plugins


5. Advanced Configuration

Creating maintainable configurations

Configuring the file structure

Defining the dependencies

Creating the host dependencies

Creating the service dependencies

Using the templates

Creating the templates

Inheriting from multiple templates

Using the custom variables

Understanding flapping


6. Notifications and Events

Creating effective notifications

Using multiple notifications

Sending instant messages via Jabber

Notifying users with text messages

Integrating with HipChat

Understanding escalations

Setting up escalations

Understanding how escalations work

Sending commands to Nagios

Adding comments to hosts and services

Scheduling host and service checks

Modifying custom variables

Creating event handlers

Restarting services automatically

Modifying notifications

Using adaptive monitoring


7. Passive Checks and NSCA

Understanding passive checks

Configuring passive checks

Sending passive check results for hosts

Sending passive check results for services

Troubleshooting errors

Using NSCA

Downloading NSCA

Compiling NSCA

Configuring the NSCA server

Sending results over NSCA

Configuring NSCA for secure communication


8. Monitoring Remote Hosts

Monitoring over SSH

Configuring the SSH connection

Using the check_by_ssh plugin

Performing multiple checks

Troubleshooting the SSH-based checks

Monitoring using NRPE

Obtaining NRPE

Compiling NRPE

Configuring the NRPE daemon

Setting up NRPE as a system service

Configuring Nagios for NRPE

Using command arguments with NRPE

Troubleshooting NRPE

Comparing NRPE and SSH

Alternatives to SSH and NRPE


9. Monitoring using SNMP

Introducing SNMP

Understanding data objects

Working with SNMP and MIB

Using graphical tools

Setting up an SNMP agent

Using SNMP from Nagios

Receiving traps

Using additional plugins


10. Advanced Monitoring

Monitoring Windows hosts

Setting up NSClient++

Performing tests using check_nt

Performing checks with NRPE protocol

Performing passive checks using NSCA Protocol

Understanding distributed monitoring

Introducing obsessive notifications

Configuring Nagios instances

Performing freshness checking

Using templates for distributed monitoring

Creating the host and service objects

Customizing checks with custom variables


11. Programming Nagios

Introducing Nagios customizations

Programming in C with libnagios

Creating custom active checks

Testing the correctness of the MySQL database

Monitoring local time with a time server

Writing plugins correctly

Checking websites

Virtualization and clouds

Monitoring VMware

Monitoring Amazon Web Services

Writing commands to send notifications

Managing Nagios

Using passive checks


12. Using the Query Handler

Introducing the query handler

Communicating with the query handler

Using the query handler programmatically

Using the core service

Introducing Nagios Event Radio Dispatcher

Displaying real-time status updates

Displaying checks using Gource



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