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Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi
Table of Contents
Building a Home Security System with Raspberry Pi
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1. Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi
Which flavor of Pi?
Raspberry Pi Model A
Raspberry Pi Model B
Raspberry Pi Model B+ and Model 2
Model comparison table
So which one?
Preparing the SD card
Downloading the Raspbian image
Using Microsoft Windows
Using Linux
Booting your Pi
Expanding the file system
Using the raspi-config utility
Setting up your Pi
Getting up to date
Getting the right time
Talking of security…
What is this sudo thing anyway?
Connecting via Wi-Fi
2. Connecting Things to Your Pi with GPIO
Say hello to the GPIO
Digital I/O pins
The I2C bus
The SPI bus
The UART serial bus
USB ports
Power connections
Getting acquainted with the GPIO
Let there be light
Getting flashy…
Adding a switch
Pulling yourself together
The detection script
The most elaborate light switch in the world
The illuminating script
3. Extending Your Pi to Connect More Things
The I2C bus
Just 2 wires
What's your address?
There is a parallel universe
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Give me power
Building an I2C expander
The I2C port expander circuit
Let's walk through the circuit
Building your expansion board
Using ready-made expansion boards
Hobbytronics MCP23017 expander port kit
PiFace Digital I/O expansion board
4. Adding a Magnetic Contact Sensor
The working of magnetic contact sensors
Setting up the I2C port expander
Enabling the I2C Bus
Installing the I2C tools package
Finding our devices
Setting up the port expander
Connecting our magnetic contact sensor
Monitoring the sensor
Anti-tamper circuits
Getting into the zone
5. Adding a Passive Infrared Motion Sensor
Passive infrared sensors explained
Setting up your PIR sensor
Give me power (again)
Connecting our PIR motion sensor
12V alarm zone circuits
Alarm circuit protection
How it works
Wireless PIR motion sensors
433-MHz wireless alarm systems
Connecting a 433-MHz receiver
The alternative approach (because we have no choice)
The receiver wiring diagram
Logging detection data
6. Adding Cameras to Our Security System
The Raspberry Pi camera module
Connecting the camera module
Setting up the camera module
Testing the camera module
Be a video star
Caught on camera
You have new mail
Setting up the e-mail sender client
Sending attachments
Where was that taken?
Night vision
An illuminating experience
The Elaborate light switch re-visited
Is that a badger?
Using USB cameras
Installing the webcam
Taking a snap
Snap snap snap
The multicamera setup
The Slave driver
7. Building a Web-Based Control Panel
Installing the web server
Testing the PHP5 installation
Being in control
Arming yourself
The master configuration file
Creating the web page
The control panel HTML template
Giving it some style
Making it dynamic
Getting a bit of help first
The main PHP code
I'm someone else
Remote access to our control panel
Setting up a dynamic DNS account
The Raspberry Pi dynamic DNS client
Setting up a static IP on your Raspberry Pi
8. A Miscellany of Things
Arming and disarming the system
Driving inductive loads
Beyond intrusion
A simple water detector
How it works
A simple temperature sensor
How it works
A carbon monoxide detector
Remote administration for our Raspberry Pi
Getting Webmin
Updating the repository sources
Importing the signing key
Accessing Webmin locally
Remotely accessing Webmin
9. Putting It All Together
Alarm system diagram
Overview of the system elements
A +12V power supply
A +3.3V power supply
The opto-isolator input module
The port expander
An arm/disarm switch
Alarm outputs
Designing the control scripts
Building the control script
Exploring the script code
Updating config settings
Setting up the GPIO
Setting up the I2C port expander
Decoding the zone inputs status
The system monitoring loop
Arming the system
Monitoring the zones
Entry delay
Sounding the main alarm
Disarming and resetting the system
We're done (almost)…
Automatically starting the system
Preserving the SD card
Creating a RAM-based file system
Tips for building systems