


Playing House电子书

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作       者:Pearson, Patricia

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Even in a tiny apartment, there were enough rooms for Frannie to get into trouble...First, there was the bedroom...where it all began in such a casually romantic way.Next, the bathroom...where things took a suspicious turn.Finally, the living room...where she picked up the phone and prepared to break the news to the boyfriend she barely knew...When Frannie Mackenzie got sick all over the sweater section of a major urban retailer, she couldn't quite believe that this was a reaction to gray being this year's black. So she went back to her postage-stamp-sized apartment and took inventory. Jeans tighterYes. Boobs biggerYes. And the absolute proof-positive...the stick had turned blue.Frannie decides to give up cocktails, late nights, and anything else fun that the big city has to offer. But one thing -- or rather person -- she's not sure she's going to get to keep is the surprised father in the situation -- an experimental jazz musician with the improbable name of Calvin, who'd taken off to Europe before Frannie figured out parenthood had awkwardly united them. Falling in love was the last thing that Frannie expected, and the happiest surprise of all.


Title Page



Never Tell...

The Heart and Its...

Some Thoughts...

Yogi Naryana:...

The Apple...

For God's Sake...

At My Age

A Lesson in...

Half-baked Truths

Last Days...

What to Expect...

Away in the Manger

A Brief Note...

I Know How Men...

The Element...

The Way to a Man's Heart

The Ideal Husband

A Brief Note...

A Man's Labor

Of Weaver Birds...


How We Come Alive

The Modern Christening

I Envy Calvin's....

Holy Cow

The Thing About Motherhood


A Woman's Work

Penny's Library

When Nothing Is Wrong

I Don't Know...

A Fruitful...

The Point...

The Affair...

At Home in the Clan...

Let Us Talk Now...

True Love at Last

Bingo Brain

A Brief Note...

What We Fear

What We Wish For

What We Live For

And Then We Lived...

About the Author


About the Publisher

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