


Just Short of Crazy电子书

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作       者:Foxx, Nina

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:32.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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When smart, successful, levelheaded lawyer Alexis Pearson gets blindsided by her faithless fiancé, who disses and dumps her, she decides to change everything. Gone are the trendy dreads in favor of her own soft and natural tresses. She's going to get her body, mind, and spirit in shape with tae kwan do classes -- and maybe kick some butt in the process to work out the aggression brought on by the abandonment . . . and her boss's unsubtle offers to help mend her busted heart. Of course, she never intended for it all to get out of hand -- and she certainly didn't mean to break the elbow of her first-time sparring partner, Remedy Brown.At least she got the attention of this tall, dark, and very handsome nightclub owner with the unfortunate name. And though Alexis is wary about diving recklessly too soon into the relationship fire again, she can't help wondering if sexy, warm-hearted Remedy might be a remedy for what's ailing her. But the man comes with some crazy baggage -- namely Ayzah, his estranged and deranged ex-wife, who's pure, unadulterated 'hood. And suddenly both the personal and professional lives of the "new" Alexis Pearson are about to get a lot wilder . . . and riskier.


Title Page


New Attitude

Those are the Breaks

Just Short of Crazy

Ugly Stepsisters

Kick him When He's Down

Canned Worms

Oil and Water

Ride or Die

One Man's Trash

Worlds Apart

Down for the Count

Taking Care of Business

Grand Larceny

Peace Pipe

Patiently Waiting


The Hurting Truth

Breaking the Rules

Self-Help 101

Don't Let the High Heels Fool You

Boo Boo the Fool

Unpleasant Necessities

Cure for What Ails You

Too Little, too Late

See Through Sins


Run to the Future

Done in the Dark

Thicker than Water

Dead Elephants at Dinner

What goes up

Endings and New Beginnings

Scout's Honor and White Horses

Acknowledgments and Notes

About the Author

Other Books by Nina Foxx


About the Publisher

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