When destiny called, she pressed 1 for more optionsWith the name Robyn Fortune, shouldn't luck be a sure thingInstead, black clouds love me. All I did was show up at a family bar mitzvah and cue lightning . . . this huge storm blew in.My mom announced she was leaving my dad and moving in with me. (Perfect! More competition on JDate.) I found out my boss planned to fire me. (Help wanted: Be the exclusive makeup artist for a two-faced network news star.) My ex's gambling debts left me near bankruptcy. (Please buy our wedding gifts on craigslist.) But, good news. I was offered money to date a man who had worse luck than me. (Dear Visa, I hope you appreciate that I said yes.)If not for my friend Rachel, I would have chickened out. Instead, I went to his apartment, spotted an old photo, and realized it was HIM! The boy I was mad for in college but never got to meet. And get this! Turns out our paths had been crossing since birth. Coincidence or karmaOur finagling families wouldn't talk . . . until the day destiny sent me on a wild ride that became my long lost spiritual journey. Ladies, take my advice. When fate knocks, answer the damn door!