


Ragman - reissue电子书

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作       者:Wangerin, Walter, Jr.

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:25.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Updated with eleven new stories and meditations, this Gold Medallion–winning classic interweaves vivid stories, deep meditations, and provocative allegories that together explore the power and meaning of love within an often inhumane urban landscape. The opening chapter, "Ragman," remains one of Walter Wangerin Jr.'s most beloved works and leads the reader to thirty–three other writings, all bearing the author's trademark poignancy and lyricism. Ranging from gentle reflections to heart–rending invocations, these selections are powerful, thought–provoking explorations of the meaning of faith, the person of Christ, and the communion of believers. Again and again, Wangerin's cries of faith touch our deepest pains with rays of joyful healing.


Title Page



An Invocation

Part One - The Christ of God

1 - Ragman

2 - Meditation on a New Year’s Day

3 - An Advent Monologue

4 - To a Lady with Whom I’ve Been Intimate, Whose Name I Do Not Know

5 - Epiphanies

6 - Epiphanies: Little Children Leading

7 - Time and the Christ

8 - Modern Hexameron: De Aranea

9 - The Cry of the Whole Congregation

10 - Lily

11 - The Poet and His Congregation to Christ: Our Beloved, and Our Sweet Communion (John 6:35-59)

Part Two - The Servant of Christ

12 - The Time in the City

13 - The Making of a Minister

14 - Preaching

15 - A Christmas Pastorale

16 - A Minister for the Nations

17 - Servants of the Cross

Part Three - The Body of Christ

18 - Rachel

19 - Clara Schreiber

20 - Body of Christ, You’re a Woman

21 - The Self to the Self, and the Fusion

22 - Killing by the Little Cuts

23 - Pallid Need

24 - To Joseph, at His Confirmation

25 - Moses Swope

26 - To Matthew, at His Confirmation

27 - The Ashes of Wednesday, for Thieves and for Preachers Alike

28 - To Mary, at Her Confirmation

29 - For My Brother Gregory on the Occasion of His Marriage to Liza Lachica

30 - Fights Unfought, Forgiveness Forgone

31 - Edification/Demolition

32 - To Talitha, at Her Confirmation

33 - And Through the Night Watch O’er Your Beds

34 - The Body of Christ—Set Free!

Books by Walter Wangerin Jr.


About the Publisher

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