


The Fallen Angel电子书

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作       者:Silva, Daniel

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:48.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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After narrowly surviving his last operation, Gabriel Allon, the wayward son of Israeli intelligence, has taken refuge behind the walls of the Vatican, where he is restoring one of Caravaggio's greatest masterpieces. But early one morning he is summoned to St. Peter's Basilica by Monsignor Luigi Donati, the all-powerful private secretary to His Holiness Pope Paul VII. The body of a beautiful woman lies broken beneath Michelangelo's magnificent dome. The Vatican police suspect suicide, though Gabriel believes otherwise. So, it seems, does Donati. But the monsignor is fearful that a public inquiry might inflict another scandal on the Church, and so he calls upon Gabriel to quietly pursue the truth—with one caveat."Rule number one at the Vatican," Donati said. "Don't ask too many questions."Gabriel learns that the dead woman had uncovered a dangerous secret—a secret that threatens a global criminal enterprise that is looting timeless treasures of antiquity and selling them to the highest bidder. But there is more to this network than just greed. A mysterious operative is plotting an act of sabotage that will plunge the world into a conflict of apocalyptic proportions. . . .An intoxicating blend of art, intrigue, and history, The Fallen Angel moves swiftly from the cloistered chambers of the Vatican to the glamorous ski slopes of St. Moritz to the graceful avenues of Berlin and Vienna—and, finally, to a shocking climax beneath the world's most sacred and contested parcel of land. Each setting in this extraordinary novel is rendered with the care of an Old Master, as are the spies, lovers, priests, and thieves who inhabit its pages. It is a story of faith and of the destructive power of secrets—and an all too timely reminder that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.





Part One: City of the Dead

1 - Vatican City

2 - Piazza Di Spagna, Rome

3 - The Sistine Chapel

4 - St. Peter’s Basilica

5 - Piazza Di Spagna, Rome

6 - Trastevere, Rome

7 - Vatican City

8 - Piazza Di Spagna, Rome

9 - Cerveteri, Italy

10 - Piazza Di Sant’Ignazio, Rome

11 - Piazza Di Sant’Ignazio, Rome

12 - Villa Giulia, Rome

13 - Apostolic Palace, Vatican City

14 - The Vatican Gardens

15 - Piazza Di Spagna, Rome

16 - The Via Veneto, Rome

Part Two: City of God

17 - Ben Gurion Airport, Israel

18 - Jerusalem

19 - King Saul Boulevard, Tel Aviv

20 - King Saul Boulevard, Tel Aviv

21 - Rue De Miromesnil, Paris

22 - Quai Des Célestins, Paris

23 - St. Moritz, Switzerland

24 - St. Moritz, Switzerland

25 - St. Moritz, Switzerland

26 - Bern, Switzerland

27 - Herndon, Virginia

28 - Wannsee, Berlin

29 - Berlin

30 - Berlin

Part Three: The Well of Souls

31 - Berlin–Northern Denmark

32 - Kandestederne, Denmark

33 - Vienna

34 - Vienna

35 - Vienna

36 - Vienna–Tel Aviv–Vatican City

37 - East Jerusalem

38 - Vatican City

39 - Vatican City–Jerusalem

40 - Jerusalem

41 - The Old City, Jerusalem

42 - Tel Aviv–Jerusalem

43 - The Old City, Jerusalem

44 - Jerusalem

45 - Jerusalem

46 - The Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Part Four: Ego Te Absolvo

47 - Jerusalem

48 - Jerusalem

49 - Piazza Di Sant’Ignazio, Rome

50 - Vatican City

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Excerpt From English Girl

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Author’s Note

Books by Daniel Silva



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