


Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Secret of the Silver Key电子书

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作       者:O'Connor, Jane

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:4.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Join Nancy Clancy in New York Times bestselling team Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser's fourth Nancy Clancy chapter book about the past, present, and future! Nancy and her best friend, Bree, must go back in time to solve their latest mystery. While Nancy's class learns about time capsules in school, another relic from the past pops up in the present. Nancy buys an old desk at a tag sale and soon finds out that someone left behind a key. In the perfect follow-up to Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth; Nancy Clancy, Secret Admirer; and Nancy Clancy Sees the Future, Nancy and Bree set out to unlock the secret of the silver key in the hopes of finding some treasure along the way. But unlocking the mystery soon proves to be more difficult than they had thought, and when the answer isn't what they had expected, Nancy and Bree learn there are some things that remain timeless forever. Fans of Fancy Nancy will love joining Nancy Clancy in the latest edition to the chapter book series. The central theme of all the Nancy Clancy books shines through, showing the power of positive thinking and the will to never give up.



Chapter 1: Past, Present, Future

Chapter 2: The Interview

Chapter 3: A Long-Lost Friend

Chapter 4: Estate Sale

Chapter 5: The Secret Compartment

Chapter 6: Another Silver Key

Chapter 7: Interrogation

Chapter 8: A Break In the Case

Chapter 9: The Time Capsule

Chapter 10: A Dead End

Chapter 11: More Sleuthing

Chapter 12: A Superb Clue

Chapter 13: Mystery Solved

Chapter 14: Reunion

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