


Leaving Haven电子书

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作       者:McCleary, Kathleen

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:43.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Getting what you want is just the beginning. Now you have to discover what you truly need. . . . Georgia Bing and Alice Kinnaird have always been there for each other. Eager to help her best friend have another baby after several miscarriages, Alice donates one of her eggs. When Georgia learns she's going to have the baby boy she's always wanted, she's thrilled—until a devastating discovery destroys her dreams.While Alice is happy to help her friend get pregnant, she also feels a twinge of disappointment that her own life is missing something . . . something she desperately craves. On the surface, Alice has everything—a busy social life, a great job, a faithful husband, an amazing teenage daughter. But her well-ordered world is knocked off its axis when she's tempted by a forbidden passion that threatens the bonds of friendship, marriage, and motherhood that sustain her.As the safety of their past is shattered, Georgia and Alice must embark on journeys of self-discovery—odysseys filled with surprising challenges that will test them and force them to confront the truth about their lives . . . and the choices they've made.





Part 1

1 - Alice, June 19, 2012

2 - Georgia, A Year Earlier, April 2011

3 - Alice, A Month Earlier, May 2012

4 - Georgia, A Year Earlier, April 2011

5 - Alice, Two Months Earlier, April 2012

6 - Georgia, A Year Earlier, May 2011

7 - Alice, Four Months Earlier, February 2012

8 - Georgia, A Year Earlier, May–June 2011

9 - Alice, Six Months Earlier, January 2012

10 - Georgia, Eight Months Eart Months Earlier, October 2011

11 - Alice, Eight Months Earlier, November 2011

12 - Georgia, Seven Months Earlier, December 2011

13 - Alice, Ten Months Earlier, August 2011

14 - Georgia, Two Months Earlier, April 2012

Part 2

15 - Georgia, June 18, 2012

16 - Alice, June 18–19, 2012

17 - Georgia, June 19–20, 2012

18 - Alice, June 20–21, 2012

19 - Georgia, June 20–22, 2012

20 - Alice, June 22–23, 2012

21 - Georgia, June 23, 2012

22 - Alice, June 24, 2012

23 - Georgia, June 24, 2012

24 - Alice, June 25, 2012

25 - Georgia, June 25, 2012

26 - Alice, June 26, 2012

27 - Georgia, June 26, 2012

28 - Alice, June 26, 2012

29 - Georgia, June 26, 2012


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Also by Kathleen McCleary



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