


Three Story House电子书

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作       者:Santo, Courtney Miller

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:52.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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As they renovate a historic Memphis house together, three cousins discover that their spectacular failures in love, career, and family provide the foundation for their future happiness in this warm and poignant novel reminiscent of The Postmistress and The Secret Life of BeesApproaching thirty and trying to avoid the inescapable fact that they have failed to live up to everyone's expectations as well as their own aspirations, cousins and childhood best friends Lizzie, Elyse, and Isobel seek respite in an oddly shaped, three-story house that sits on a bluff sixty feet above the Mississippi River.As they work to restore the nearly condemned house, each woman faces uncomfortable truths about her own failings. Lizzie seeks answers to a long-held family secret about her father in their grandmother's jumble of mementos and the home's hidden spaces. Elyse's obsession with an old flame leads her to a harrowing mistake that threatens to destroy her sister's wedding. And Isobel's quest for celebrity tempts her to betray confidences in ways that could irreparably damage her two cousins.This sharply observed account of the restoration of a house built out of spite but filled with memories of love is also a tale of friendship and a lesson in how relying on one another's insights and strengths provides the women with a way to get what they need instead of what they want.



First Story: Lizzie

1993: Old Silver Beach, Massachusetts

November 2011: Los Angeles

December 2011: Los Angeles

October 2008: Memphis

New Year’s Eve 2011: Memphis

January 2012: Memphis

February 2012: Memphis

March 2012: Memphis

April 2012: Memphis

Second Story: Elyse

May 2012: Memphis

June 2012: Memphis

March 1999: Memphis

June 2012: Memphis

July 2012: Massachusetts

August 2012: Memphis

Third Story: Isobel

September 2012: Memphis

Summer 2001: Old Silver Beach

October 2012: Memphis

November 2012: Memphis

December 2012: Memphis

P.S. Insights, Interviews & More . . .

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