


The Serpent of Venice电子书

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作       者:Moore, Christopher

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:42.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore channels William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe in this satiric Venetian gothic featuring the irresistibly mischievous Pocket of Dog Snogging, the eponymous hero of FoolVenice, a really long time ago. Three prominent Venetians await their most loathsome and foul dinner guest, the erstwhile envoy from Britain who also happens to be a favorite of the Doge: the rascal-Fool Pocket.This trio of cunning plotters—the merchant, Antonio; the senator, Montressor Brabantio; and the naval officer, Iago—have lured Pocket to a dark dungeon, promising a spirited evening with a rare Amontillado sherry and a fetching young noblewoman. Their invitation is, of course, bogus. The wine is drugged; the girl is nowhere in sight. These scoundrels have something far less amusing planned for the man who has consistently foiled their quest for power and wealth. But this Fool is no fool . . . and the story is only beginning.Once again, Christopher Moore delivers a rousing literary satire, a dramedy mash-up rich with delights, including (but not limited to): foul plots, counterplots, true love, jealousy, murder, betrayal, revenge, codpieces, three mysterious locked boxes, a boatload of gold, a pound of flesh, occasional debauchery, and water (lots of water). Not to mention a cast Shakespeare himself would be proud of: Shylock; Iago; Othello; a bunch of other guys whose names end in "o"; a trio of comely wenches—Desdemona, Jessica, Portia; the brilliant Fool; his large sidekick, Drool; Jeff, the pet monkey; a lovesick sea serpent; and a ghost (yes, there's always a bloody ghost).Wickedly witty and outrageously inventive, The Serpent of Venice pays cheeky homage to the Bard and illuminates the absurdity of the human condition as only Christopher Moore can.


The Cast

The Stage

Map of Venice

Map of Italy

Act I: Fortunato’s Fate

One: The Trap

Two: The Dark

Three: A Spot of Bother

Four: How Much for the Monkey?

Five: Ladies of the Lagoon

Six: The Players

Act II: The Watery City

Seven: La Giudecca

Eight: A Pound of Flesh

Nine: Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-nine Golden Ducats

Ten: Intrigue Beneath the Bawd

Eleven: Siren Ascending

Twelve: To Belmont and Beyond

Act III: The Moor of Venice

Thirteen: Bold and Saucy Wrongs

Fourteen: A World of Sighs

Fifteen: What Wicked Webs

Sixteen: A Nasty Piece of Work

Seventeen: A Fool’s Ransom

Act IV: The Green-eyed Monster

Eighteen: Cloak, Dagger, Wimple, and Veil

Nineteen: Well Met in Corsica Once More

Twenty: The Art of Persuasion

Act V: A Pound of Flesh

Twenty-one: Savage Puppets

Twenty-two: No Shit, Shylock

Twenty-three: The Trial

Twenty-four: The Verdict

Twenty-five: Arise! Black Vengeance!

Twenty-six: Off Jolly Rogering!


About the Author


Books by Christopher Moore


About the Publisher

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