


Secrets From the Eating Lab电子书

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作       者:Mann, Traci

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:41.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Is Your Diet Making You Fat?From her Health and Eating Laboratory at the University of Minnesota, Professor Traci Mann researches self-control and dieting. And what she has discovered is groundbreaking: not only do diets not work, they often result in weight gain. We are losing the battle of the bulge because our bodies and brains are not hardwired to resist food—in fact, the very idea of it works against our biological imperative to survive.In Secrets from the Eating Lab, Mann challenges assumptions—including those that make up the foundation of the weight loss industry—about how diets work and why they fail. As Mann explains, most weight loss plans are reliant on the notion of willpower—and willpower is an illusion. Moreover, even when we are able to successfully lose weight, our bodies fight our efforts, seeking to regain the weight we've worked so hard to lose. In the end, we become chronic "yo-yo" dieters, destined to lose and regain the same pounds time and again. The diet industry is well aware of these facts and has tellingly built their business model on the concept of the "repeat customer"; they know we'll be back.The result of more than two decades of research, Secrets from the Eating Lab presents cutting-edge science and offers exciting new insights into the American obesity epidemic and our relationship with food. From redefining "comfort food" to reconsidering healthy food labeling that, ironically, makes us less inclined to make healthy choices, Mann presents an arsenal of simple, common-sense strategies that take advantage of human nature instead of fighting it—helping you to achieve a healthy and sustainable weight.




Part One: Why Diets Fail You

Chapter 1: Diets Don’t Work

Chapter 2: Why Diets Don’t Work: Biology, Stress, and Forbidden Fruit

Chapter 3: The Myth of Willpower

Part Two: Why You are Better Off Without the Battle

Chapter 4: Diets are Bad for You

Chapter 5: Obesity is Not a Death Sentence

Part Three: How to Reach Your Leanest Livable Weight (No Willpower Required)

Chapter 6: Lessons from a Lean Pig

Chapter 7: How to Trick Your Friends into Ignoring a Cookie

Chapter 8: Don’t Call That Apple Healthy

Chapter 9: Know When to Turn Off Your Brain

Chapter 10: How to Comfort an Astronaut

Part Four: Your Weight is Really Not the Point

Chapter 11: Why to Stop Obsessing and be Okay with Your Body

Chapter 12: The Real Reasons to Exercise and Strategies for Sticking with it

Final Words: Diet Schmiet




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