


Sugar Crush电子书

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作       者:Jacoby, Richard

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:30.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Sugar =Chronic Inflammation + Trauma =Nerve Damage, Pain, and DysfunctionDo you suffer from ailments your doctors can't seem to diagnose or help—mysterious rashes, unpredictable digestive problems, debilitating headaches, mood and energy swings, constant tirednessIf so, nerve compression is likely the cause.What Grain Brain did for wheat, leading peripheral nerve surgeon Dr. Richard Jacoby now does for sugar, exposing the shocking truth that a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and wheat can compress and damage the peripheral nerves of the body, and lead to pain, numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet, as well as a host of related conditions, from migraines, autism, and ALS to gallbladder disease and diabetes.Over the years, Dr. Richard Jacoby has treated thousands of patients with peripheral neuropathy. Now he shares his insights and tells the story of how he connected the dots to determine how sugar is the common denominator of many chronic diseases.Practical and accessible, Sugar Crush breaks down our dangerous addiction to sweets, offering a unique, holistic understanding of the toll sugar and carbs take on the body, and demonstrating how dietary changes can help nerves regain their normal function dramatically.Whether you have diabetes or prediabetes, or are even just concerned about your health, Sugar Crush is the essential guide to knowing the dangers of nerve compression. Complete with dietary advice, the latest thinking on ways to prevent and reverse neuropathy, and a quiz to help you assess your nerve damage, this book will give you the tools you need to quit sugar, calm your nerves, and reclaim well-being.




Part I: This Fine Sweet Mess

1: The 500-Pound Canary: A Sugar Tsunami

2: The Nerve of It All: How Chronic Inflammation Crashes Your Miraculous Hard Wiring

3: Killing You Softly: The Creep of Compression

4: Slightly Diabetic: The Metabolic Syndrome and Its Ugly Cousins

Part II: The Train to Nowhere

5: On Track for Nerve Damage: Are Your Nerves Already Inflamed?

6: The Five Phases of Peripheral Neuropathy: Heed the Clarion Call

7: Meanwhile, Just Make It Stop: What We Suffer to Ease the Pain

Part III: So Now What’s Stopping You?

8: The Sugar Addiction: #kickingthehabit

9: The Big Fat Lie: Educated into Ignorance

10: So Then What Can You Eat?: Hot Buttered Coffee with Judy Nicassio

Epilogue: My Own Awakening




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