


A Remarkable Kindness电子书

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作       者:Bletter, Diana

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:43.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Through a largely hidden ceremony . . . four friends discover the true meaning of lifeIt's 2006 in a seaside village in Israel, where a war is brewing. Lauren, Emily, Aviva and Rachel, four memorable women from different backgrounds, are drawn to the village. Lauren, a maternity nurse, loves her Israeli doctor husband but struggles to make a home for herself in a foreign land thousands of miles away from her beloved Boston. Seeking a fresh start after a divorce, her vivacious friend Emily follows. Strong, sensuous Aviva, brought to Israel years earlier by intelligence work, has raised a family and now lost a son. And Rachel, a beautiful, idealistic college graduate from Wyoming, arrives with her hopeful dreams.The women forge a friendship that sustains them as they come to terms with love and loss, and the outbreak of war. Their intimate bond is strengthened by their participation in a traditional ritual that closes the circle of life. As their lives are slowly transformed, each finds unexpected strength and resilience.Brimming with wisdom, rich in meaningful insights, A Remarkable Kindness is a moving testament to women's friendship, illuminating a mostly unknown ritual that underscores what it means to truly be alive.



Prologue: In the Burial Circle: Aviva

1. August 28, 2000: Lauren

2. September 13, 2000: Aviva

3. January 16, 2002: Emily

4. October 23, 2002: Lauren

5. In the Burial Circle: Lauren

6. October 23, 2002: Lauren

7. November 20, 2002: Aviva

8. November 14, 2003: Emily

9. May 27, 2005: Rachel

10. June 7, 2005: Aviva

11. In the Burial Circle: Emily

12. June 7, 2005: Aviva

13. July 21, 2005: Rachel

14. July 29, 2005: Emily

15. September 09, 2005: Aviva

16. October 12, 2005: Rachel

17. In the Burial Circle: Leah

18. October 30, 2005: Rachel

19. November 11, 2005: Aviva

20. In the Burial Circle: Gila

21. November 13, 2005: Lauren

22. January 17, 2006: Rachel

23. In the Burial Circle: Rachel

24. February 27, 2006: Emily

25. March 8, 2006: Rachel

26. In the Burial Circle: Emily

27. April 2, 2006: Lauren

28. April 25, 2006: Rachel

29. May 25, 2006: Aviva

30. June 5, 2006: Emily

31. July 12, 2006: Lauren

32. July 26, 2006: Rachel

33. August 1, 2006: Rachel

34. August 1, 2006: Aviva

35. In the Burial Circle: Aviva

36. August 3, 2006: Emily

37. October 5, 2006: Lauren

38. November 6, 2006: Aviva

39. November 6, 2006: Lauren


P.S. Insights, Interviews & More . . .*

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About the book

Also by Diana Bletter



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