


The Sparrow Sisters电子书

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作       者:Herrick, Ellen

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:42.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Sparrow Sisters are as tightly woven into the New England seaside town of Granite Point as the wild sweet peas that climb the stone walls along the harbor. Sorrel, Nettie, and Patience are as colorful as the beach plums on the dunes and as mysterious as the fog that rolls into town at dusk.When a new doctor settles into Granite Point, he brings with him a mystery so compelling that town healer Patience is drawn to love him even as she struggles to mend him. But when Patience Sparrow's herbs and tinctures are believed to be implicated in a local tragedy, Granite Point is consumed by a long-buried fear—and its three-hundred-year-old history resurfaces as a modern-day witch hunt threatens. The plants and flowers, fruit trees, and high hedges begin to wither and die, and the entire town begins to fail; fishermen return to the harbor empty-handed, and blight descends on the old elms that line the lanes.It seems as if Patience and her town are lost until the women of Granite Point band together to save the Sparrows. As they gather, drawing strength from each other, will they be able to turn the tide and return life to Granite Point?





Chapter One: Lupin creates a fresh color in the cheek and a cheerful countenance

Chapter Two: Viola gently stimulates the immunity

Chapter Three: Cowslip is also called Fairy Cups and makes a fine wine

Chapter Four: Periwinkle is useful against inflammation

Chapter Five: Peter’s Staff is just the thing for scorpion’s sting

Chapter Six: Comfrey is a gentle remedy for quinsy and whooping cough

Chapter Seven: Agrimony is most soothing for stomach upset in children

Chapter Eight: Sweetgrass makes a strong tincture for hayfever

Chapter Nine: Foxglove is not for the reckless or careless collector

Chapter Ten: Rue is a reliable remedy for nervous nightmare

Chapter Eleven: Evening primrose is most successful in treating liver torpor

Chapter Twelve: Tansy may allay spasms

Chapter Thirteen: Clove is a most stimulating and carminative aromatic

Chapter Fourteen: Eglantine needs only a rain shower to bring out its full sweetness



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