


The Kind Worth Killing电子书

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作       者:Swanson, Peter

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:43.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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“Shares a lot of Gone Girl’s hallmarks but cranks up the volume . . . ”—Entertainment WeeklyOn a flight from London to Boston, Ted Severson meets the stunning Lily Kintner. Over martinis, the strangers play a game in which they reveal intimate details about themselves. But what begins as playful banter between Ted and Lily takes a turn when Ted claims, half-seriously, that he would like to kill his wife. Then Lily surprises him by saying that she’d like to help.Back in Boston, Ted and Lily forge an unusual bond and talk about the ways Ted can get out of his marriage. But Lily has her own dark history she’s not sharing with Ted. As Ted begins to fall in love with Lily, he grows anxious about any holes in their scheme that could give them away. And suddenly the two are pulled into a very lethal game of cat and mouse, one in which both are not likely to survive when all is said and done.“[It] would have made a great Hitchcock movie.”—Fort Worth Star-Telegram“Extraordinarily well-written.”—Nelson DeMille



Part I: The Rules of Airport Bars

Chapter 1: Ted

Chapter 2: Lily

Chapter 3: Ted

Chapter 4: Lily

Chapter 5: Ted

Chapter 6: Lily

Chapter 7: Ted

Chapter 8: Lily

Chapter 9: Ted

Chapter 10: Lily

Chapter 11: Ted

Chapter 12: Lily

Chapter 13: Ted

Chapter 14: Lily

Chapter 15: Ted

Part II: The Half-Finished House

Chapter 16: Lily

Chapter 17: Miranda

Chapter 18: Lily

Chapter 19: Miranda

Chapter 20: Lily

Chapter 21: Miranda

Chapter 22: Lily

Chapter 23: Miranda

Chapter 24: Lily

Chapter 25: Miranda

Chapter 26: Lily

Part III: Hide the Bodies Well

Chapter 27: Kimball

Chapter 28: Lily

Chapter 29: Kimball

Chapter 30: Lily

Chapter 31: Kimball

Chapter 32: Lily

Chapter 33: Kimball

Chapter 34: Lily

About the Author

Also by Peter Swanson



About the Publisher

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