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作       者:Boyd, William

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:38.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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It's 1969, and, having just celebrated his forty-fifth birthday, James Bond—British special agent 007—is summoned to headquarters to receive an unusual assignment. Zanzarim, a troubled West African nation, is being ravaged by a bitter civil war, and M directs Bond to quash the rebels threatening the established regime. Bond's arrival in Africa marks the start of a feverish mission to discover the forces behind this brutal war—and he soon realizes the situation is far from straightforward. Piece by piece, Bond uncovers the real cause of the violence in Zanzarim, revealing a twisting conspiracy that extends further than he ever imagined.Moving from rebel battlefields in West Africa to the closed doors of intelligence offices in London and Washington, this novel is at once a gripping thriller, a tensely plotted story full of memorable characters and breathtaking twists, and a masterful study of power and how it is wielded—a brilliant addition to the James Bond canon.




Author’s Note

Part One: Breaking and Entering

1. In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

2. The Jensen FF

Part Two How to Stop a War

1. Elements of Risk

2. Homework

3. Welcome to Zanzarim

4. Christmas

5. E. B. Ogilvy-Grant Ma (Cantab)

6. Syrian Burgundy-Type

7. On the Road

8. The Man with Two Faces

9. James Bond’s Long Walk

10. Welcome to Dahum

11. Sunday

12. Janjaville

13. Ghost Warriors

14. The Battle of the Kololo Causeway

15. Gold Star

16. A Very Rich Man

17. The $50 Peugeot

18. One-Way Ticket Out

Part Three Going Solo

1. Care and Attention

2. Donalda and May

3. Africakin

4. Vampiria, Queen of Darkness

5. Import–Export

Part Four the Land of the Free

1. Bloater

2. The Stake-Out

3. The Alcazar

4. Switchblade

5. Suite 5K

6. Cia

7. The Engineer

8. Chelsea

9. Blessing

10. One-Man Commando

11. A Spy on Vacation

12. Zanzarim Revisited

Part Five Coda in Richmond

1. Un Paysan Écossais

2. Out of the Dark

Ian Fleming

About the Author

Also by William Boyd

Also by Ian Fleming



About the Publisher

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