


Geospatial Development By Example with Python电子书

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作       者:Pablo Carreira

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:120.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build your first interactive map and build location-aware applications using cutting-edge examples in PythonAbout This BookLearn the full geo-processing workflow using Python with open source packagesCreate press-quality styled maps and data visualization with high-level and reusable codeProcess massive datasets efficiently using parallel processingWho This Book Is ForGeospatial Development By Example with Python is intended for beginners or advanced developers in Python who want to work with geographic data. The book is suitable for professional developers who are new to geospatial development, for hobbyists, or for data scientists who want to move into some simple development.What You Will LearnPrepare a development environment with all the tools needed for geo-processing with PythonImport point data and structure an application using Python’s resourcesCombine point data from multiple sources, creating intuitive and functional representations of geographic objectsFilter data by coordinates or attributes easily using pure PythonMake press-quality and replicable maps from any dataDownload, transform, and use remote sensing data in your mapsMake calculations to extract information from raster data and show the results on beautiful mapsHandle massive amounts of data with advanced processing techniquesProcess huge satellite images in an efficient wayOptimize geo-processing times with parallel processingIn DetailFrom Python programming good practices to the advanced use of analysis packages, this book teaches you how to write applications that will perform complex geoprocessing tasks that can be replicated and reused.Much more than simple *s, you will write functions to import data, create Python classes that represent your features, and learn how to combine and filter them.With pluggable mechanisms, you will learn how to visualize data and the results of analysis in beautiful maps that can be batch-generated and embedded into documents or web pages.Finally, you will learn how to consume and process an enormous amount of data very efficiently by using advanced tools and modern computers’ parallel processing capabilities.Style and approachThis easy-to-follow book is filled with hands-on examples that illustrate the construction of three sample applications of how to write reusable and interconnected Python code for geo-processing.

Geospatial Development By Example with Python

Table of Contents

Geospatial Development By Example with Python


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1. Preparing the Work Environment

Installing Python


Ubuntu Linux

Python packages and package manager

The repository of Python packages for Windows

Installing packages and required software



Ubuntu Linux

Installing NumPy


Ubuntu Linux

Installing GDAL and OGR


Ubuntu Linux

Installing Mapnik


Ubuntu Linux

Installing Shapely


Ubuntu Linux

Installing other packages directly from pip


Ubuntu Linux

Installing an IDE



Creating the book project

Programming and running your first example

Transforming the coordinate system and calculating the area of all countries

Sort the countries by area size


2. The Geocaching App

Building the basic application structure

Creating the application tree structure

Functions and methods

Documenting your code

Creating the application entry point

Downloading geocaching data

Geocaching data sources

Fetching information from a REST API

Downloading data from a URL

Downloading data manually

Opening the file and getting its contents

Preparing the content for analysis

Combining functions into an application

Setting your current location

Finding the closest point


3. Combining Multiple Data Sources

Representing geographic data

Representing geometries

Making data homogeneous

The concept of abstraction

Abstracting the geocache point

Abstracting geocaching data

Importing geocaching data

Reading GPX attributes

Returning the homogeneous data

Converting the data into Geocache objects

Merging multiple sources of data

Integrating new functionality into the application


4. Improving the App Search Capabilities

Working with polygons

Knowing well-known text

Using Shapely to handle geometries

Importing polygons

Getting the attributes' values

Importing lines

Converting the spatial reference system and units

Geometry relationships





Equals or almost equals



Filtering by attributes and relations

Filtering by multiple attributes

Chaining filters

Integrating with the app


5. Making Maps

Knowing Mapnik

Making a map with pure Python

Making a map with a style sheet

Creating utility functions to generate maps

Changing the data source at runtime

Automatically previewing the map

Styling maps

Map style

Polygon style

Line styles

Text styles

Adding layers to the map

Point styles

Using Python objects as a source of data

Exporting geo objects

Creating the Map Maker app

Using PythonDatasource

Using the app with filtering


6. Working with Remote Sensing Images

Understanding how images are represented

Opening images with OpenCV

Knowing numerical types

Processing remote sensing images and data

Mosaicking images

Adjusting the values of the images

Cropping an image

Creating a shaded relief image

Building an image processing pipeline

Creating a RasterData class


7. Extract Information from Raster Data

Getting the basic statistics

Preparing the data

Printing simple information

Formatting the output information

Calculating quartiles, histograms, and other statistics

Making statistics a lazy property

Creating color classified images

Choosing the right colors for a map

Blending images

Showing statistics with colors

Using the histogram to colorize the image


8. Data Miner App

Measuring execution time

Code profiling

Storing information on a database

Creating an Object Relational Mapping

Preparing the environment

Changing our models

Customizing a manager

Generating the tables and importing data

Filtering the data

Importing massive amount of data

Optimizing database inserts

Optimizing data parsing

Importing OpenStreetMap points of interest

Removing the test data

Populating the database with real data

Searching for data and crossing information

Filtering using boundaries


9. Processing Big Images

Working with satellite images

Getting Landsat 8 images

Memory and images

Processing images in chunks

Using GDAL to open images

Iterating through the whole image

Creating image compositions

True color compositions

Processing specific regions

False color compositions


10. Parallel Processing

Multiprocessing basics

Block iteration

Improving the image resolution

Image resampling

Pan sharpening



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