


The Chronicles of Narnia Complete 7-Book Collection with Bonus Book: Boxen电子书

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作       者:Lewis, C. S.

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:348.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This collection contains all seven books in the classic fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia without art, to appeal to older readers. This special ebook edition includes an introduction by C. S. Lewis's stepson, Douglas Gresham, and full text and art for Lewis's very first work Boxen!Experience C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia in its entirety The Magician's Nephew; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; The Horse and His Boy; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; The Silver Chair; and The Last Battle. This bundle comes with a special introduction by Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis's stepson, for a behind-the-scenes look at Lewis while he was writing the book. The Chronicles of Narnia has become part of the canon of classic literature, drawing readers of all ages into magical lands with unforgettable characters for over sixty years. Epic battles between good and evil, fantastic creatures, betrayals, heroic deeds, and friendships won and lost all come together in this unforgettable world.And then discover the world before Narnia with Boxen, a collection of stories written by C. S. Lewis and his brother when they were children, with the authors' own delightful illustrations. For every reader who has been captivated by the magic of Narnia, Boxen will open a window to another enchanted land and offer the first glimmer of C. S. Lewis's amazing creativity.



s Nephew



Chapter One: The Wrong Door

Chapter Two: Digory and His Uncle

Chapter Three: The Wood Between the Worlds

Chapter Four: The Bell and the Hammer

Chapter Five: The Deplorable Word

s Troubles

Chapter Seven: What Happened at the Front Door

Chapter Eight: The Fight at the Lamp-post

Chapter Nine: The Founding of Narnia

Chapter Ten: The First Joke and Other Matters

Chapter Eleven: Digory and His Uncle Are Both in Trouble

s Adventure

Chapter Thirteen: An Unexpected Meeting

Chapter Fourteen: The Planting of the Tree

Chapter Fifteen: The End of This Story and the Beginning of All the Others

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe



Chapter One: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe

Chapter Two: What Lucy Found There

Chapter Three: Edmund and the Wardrobe

Chapter Four: Turkish Delight

Chapter Five: Back on This Side of the Door

Chapter Six: Into the Forest

Chapter Seven: A Day with the Beavers

Chapter Eight: What Happened after Dinner

s House

Chapter Ten: The Spell Begins to Break

Chapter Eleven: Aslan Is Nearer

s First Battle

Chapter Thirteen: Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time

Chapter Fourteen: The Triumph of the Witch

Chapter Fifteen: Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time

Chapter Sixteen: What Happened about the Statues

Chapter Seventeen: The Hunting of the White Stag

The Horse and His Boy



Chapter One: How Shasta Set Out on His Travels

Chapter Two: A Wayside Adventure

Chapter Three: At the Gates of Tashbaan

Chapter Four: Shasta Falls In With the Narnians

Chapter Five: Prince Corin

Chapter Six: Shasta Among the Tombs

Chapter Seven: Aravis in Tashbaan

Chapter Eight: In the House of the Tisroc

Chapter Nine: Across the Desert

Chapter Ten: The Hermit of the Southern March

Chapter Eleven: The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler

Chapter Twelve: Shasta in Narnia

Chapter Thirteen: The Fight at Anvard

Chapter Fourteen: How Bree Became a Wiser Horse

Chapter Fifteen: Rabadash the Ridiculous

Prince Caspian



Chapter One: The Island

Chapter Two: The Ancient Treasure House

Chapter Three: The Dwarf

Chapter Four: The Dwarf Tells of Prince Caspian

s Adventure in the Mountains

Chapter Six: The People That Lived in Hiding

Chapter Seven: Old Narnia in Danger

Chapter Eight: How They Left the Island

Chapter Nine: What Lucy Saw

Chapter Ten: The Return of the Lion

Chapter Eleven: The Lion Roars

Chapter Twelve: Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance

Chapter Thirteen: The High King in Command

Chapter Fourteen: How All Were Very Busy

Chapter Fifteen: Aslan Makes a Door in the Air

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader



Chapter One: The Picture in the Bedroom

Chapter Two: On Board the Dawn Treader

Chapter Three: The Lone Islands

Chapter Four: What Caspian Did There

Chapter Five: The Storm and What Came of It

Chapter Six: The Adventures of Eustace

Chapter Seven: How the Adventure Ended

Chapter Eight: Two Narrow Escapes

Chapter Nine: The Island of the Voices

s Book

Chapter Eleven: The Dufflepuds Made Happy

Chapter Twelve: The Dark Island

Chapter Thirteen: The Three Sleepers

Chapter Fourteen: The Beginning of the End of the World

Chapter Fifteen: The Wonders of the Last Sea

Chapter Sixteen: The Very End of the World

The Silver Chair



Chapter One: Behind the Gym

Chapter Two: Jill Is Given a Task

Chapter Three: The Sailing of the King

Chapter Four: A Parliament of Owls

Chapter Five: Puddleglum

Chapter Six: The Wild Waste Lands of the North

Chapter Seven: The Hill of the Strange Trenches

Chapter Eight: The House of Harfang

Chapter Nine: How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing

Chapter Ten: Travels Without the Sun

Chapter Eleven: In the Dark Castle

Chapter Twelve: The Queen of Underland

Chapter Thirteen: Underland Without the Queen

Chapter Fourteen: The Bottom of the World

Chapter Fifteen: The Disappearance of Jill

Chapter Sixteen: The Healing of Harms

The Last Battle


Chapter One: By Caldron Pool

Chapter Two: The Rashness of the King

Chapter Three: The Ape in Its Glory

Chapter Four: What Happened That Night

Chapter Five: How Help Came to the King

s Work

Chapter Seven: Mainly About Dwarfs

Chapter Eight: What News the Eagle Brought

Chapter Nine: The Great Meeting on Stable Hill

Chapter Ten: Who Will Go Into the Stable?

Chapter Eleven: The Pace Quickens

Chapter Twelve: Through the Stable Door

Chapter Thirteen: How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken In

Chapter Fourteen: Night Falls on Narnia

Chapter Fifteen: Further Up and Further In

Chapter Sixteen: Farewell to Shadowlands





s Ring

Manx Against Manx

The Relief of Murry

History of Mouse-Land from Stone-Age to Bublish I (Old History)

History of Animal-Land (New History)

The Chess Monograph

The Geography of Animal-Land


Boxen: or Scenes from Boxonian City Life

The Sailor

Littera Scripta Manet


The Life of Lord John Big of Bigham

Encyclopedia Boxoniana

The History of Boxen


About the Author

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