


Napkin Notes电子书

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作       者:Callaghan, W. Garth

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:19.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Pack. Write. Connect.Garth Callaghan has been crafting lunches and napkin notes placed in those lunches since his daughter, Emma, was a small child. As she grew older, the notes became more meaningful. Shortly after she turned twelve, the notes became a legacy. Garth had been diagnosed with kidney cancer and was given a grim prognosis.Garth has now been diagnosed with cancer four times and been given an 8 percent chance to live long enough to watch Emma graduate from high school. Yet rather than dwell on the dire facts, he takes each day as a gift and a chance to connect with those he loves. And he promised to write 826 napkins so that Emma will have one every day until she graduates from high school no matter what happens. In the pages of this book, Garth continues his mission, spurring readers to appreciate life and the relationships they have through the simple act of composing a handwritten note to a loved one. A reflection on what it means to be a father, what we want to leave behind once we're gone, but mainly a celebration of the human spirit, Napkin Notes is a reminder of the power we all hold to make every moment count.




Chapter 1: It All Started with a Napkin

Round One

Chapter 2: Sangria Red

Chapter 3: “I’m Excellent!”

Chapter 4: Where’s the Pony?

Chapter 5: My Gamer Girl

Chapter 6: Messages with Meaning

Chapter 7: The Napkin Note Notebook

Round Two

Chapter 8: The Prostate Is Like Popcorn

Chapter 9: Ready. Fire! Aim.

Chapter 10: Active Surveillance

Chapter 11: Six Words I Say to Emma

Chapter 12: Feeling the Call

Round Three

Chapter 13: Whac-A-Mole (or I’m Tired of Making Emma Cry)

Chapter 14: The Every Day Action Hero

Chapter 15: The Best Christmas Present Ever

Chapter 16: Going Public

Chapter 17: I’m Just a Guy Writing Napkins

Chapter 18: The Gift of Words

Round Four

Chapter 19: Side Effects

Chapter 20: Lifelines

Chapter 21: Dear Emma

Chapter 22: My Life List


Emma’s Top Five Napkin Notes

The Note Writer’s Philosophy

How to Write a Napkin Note

More than Napkin Notes


Keep Writing

About the Author



About the Publisher

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