


United States History to 1877电子书

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作       者:Cummins, Light

出  版  社:Collins Reference


字       数:80.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Collins College Outline for United States History to 1877 starts with the founding of the country and continues through the Civil War and Reconstruion. The colonial era, the constitutional convention and founding of the American system of government, the beginning and rise of the Supreme Court, and many more monumental events in the early era of the United States are also covered. Completely revised and updated by Dr. Light T. Cummins, United States History to 1877 includes a test yourself seion with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are bibliographies for further reading, as well as numerous maps, timelines, and illustrations.The Collins College Outlines are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subjec for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each Collins College Outline is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subje and is a perfe supplement for any standard textbook.


Title Page



Chapter 1 Europe and the New World

Chapter 2 English Colonization in North America

Chapter 3 Provincial America

Chapter 4 American Colonies in the British Empire

Chapter 5 The American Revolution and the Confederation

Chapter 6 Framing and Implementing the Constitution

Chapter 7 Jeffersonian Republicanism

Chapter 8 The Awakening of American Nationalism

Chapter 9 Jacksonian Democracy and Whig Opposition

Chapter 10 American Society at Mid-Century

Chapter 11 Territorial Expansion and Sectional Conflict

Chapter 12 The Civil War

Chapter 13 Reconstruction and Reunion

Appendix A: The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies

Appendix B: Articles of Confederation

Appendix C: Index Guide to the Constitution

Appendix D: The Constitution of the United States of America

Appendix E: The Federalist No. 10

Appendix F: The Monroe Doctrine

Appendix G: Women’s Rights

Appendix H: The Constitution of the Confederate States of America

Appendix I: The Emancipation Proclamation

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