


College Chemistry电子书

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作       者:Boone, Steven

出  版  社:Collins Reference


字       数:84.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Collins College Outline for College Chemistry is a comprehensive guide to the fundamental concepts behind chemical reactions, bonding, equilibria, and thermodynamics, with topics ranging from simple chemical measurements and the basics of atoms and molecules to entropy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Fully revised and updated by Dr. Steven Boone, College Chemistry includes practical "test yourself" sections with answers and complete explanations at the end of each chapter. Also included are essential vocabulary definitions and sample exercises, as well as detailed images, charts, and diagrams.The Collins College Outlines are a completely revised, in-depth series of study guides for all areas of study, including the Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, Language, History, and Business. Featuring the most up-to-date information, each book is written by a seasoned professor in the field and focuses on a simplified and general overview of the subject for college students and, where appropriate, Advanced Placement students. Each Collins College Outline is fully integrated with the major curriculum for its subject and is a perfect supplement for any standard textbook.


Title Page



1. Introduction to Chemistry

2. Chemical Measurements

3. Atoms and Elements: Molecules and Compounds

4. Stoichiometry

5. Introduction to Chemical Reactions

6. Gases

7. Thermochemistry: The First Law of Thermodynamics

8. The Electronic Structure of Atoms

9. Periodic Properties of Elements and Atoms

10. Chemical Bonding: Fundamental Concepts

11. Chemical Bonding: Shapes of Molecules and Molecular Orbitals

12. Liquids and Solids

13. Solutions and Colloids

14. Rates of Chemical Reactions

15. Introduction to Chemical Equilibria

16. Aqueous Equilibria: Acids, Bases, and Salts

17. Aqueous Equilibria: Buffers, Titrations, Solubility, and Complex Ion Equilibria

18. Chemical Thermodynamics: Free Energy, Entropy, and Equilibria

19. Electrochemistry

20. Nuclear Chemistry

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