


What We Believe but Cannot Prove电子书

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作       者:Brockman, John

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:28.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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More than one hundred of the world's leading thinkers write about things they believe in, despite the absence of concrete proofScientific theory, more often than not, is born of bold assumption, disparate bits of unconnected evidence, and educated leaps of faith. Some of the most potent beliefs among brilliant minds are based on supposition alone -- yet that is enough to push those minds toward making the theory viable.Eminent cultural impresario, editor, and publisher of Edge (www.edge.org), John Brockman asked a group of leading scientists and thinkers to answer the question: What do you believe to be true even though you cannot prove itThis book brings together the very best answers from the most distinguished contributors.Thought-provoking and hugely compelling, this collection of bite-size thought-experiments is a fascinating insight into the instinctive beliefs of some of the most brilliant minds today.


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Martin Rees

Ray Kurzweil

Douglas Rushkoff

Richard Dawkins

Chris Anderson

Stephen Petranek

Carolyn Porco

Paul C. W. Davies

Kenneth W. Ford

Karl Sabbagh

J. Craig Venter

Leon Lederman

Maria Spiropulu

Philip W. Anderson

Robert M. Sapolsky

Jesse Bering

Ian McEwan

Michael Shermer

Susan Blackmore

Randolph M. Nesse, M.D

Tor Nørretranders

Scott Atran

David G. Myers

Jonathan Haidt

Sam Harris

David Buss

Seth Lloyd

Denis Dutton

Jared Diamond

Timothy Taylor

Judith Rich Harris

John H. McWhorter

Elizabeth Spelke

Stephen H. Schneider

Bruce Sterling

Robert Trivers

Verena Huber-Dyson

Keith Devlin

Freeman Dyson

Rebecca Goldstein

Stuart A. Kauffman

Leonard Susskind

Donald D. Hoffman

Terrence Sejnowski

John Horgan

Arnold Trehub

Ned Block

Janna Levin

Daniel Gilbert

Todd E. Feinberg, M.D.

Clifford Pickover

Nicholas Humphrey

Pamela McCorduck

Charles Simonyi

Alan Kay

Steven Pinker

Christine Finn

Daniel C. Dennett

Alun Anderson

Joseph LeDoux

George Dyson

Alison Gopnik

Paul Bloom

William H. Calvin

Robert R. Provine

Stanislas Dehaene

Stephen Kosslyn

Alex Pentland

Irene Pepperberg

Howard Gardner

David Gelernter

Marc D. Hauser

Gary Marcus

Brian Goodwin

Leo M. Chalupa

Margaret Wertheim

Gino Segrè

Haim Harari

Donald I. Williamson

Ian Wilmut

Daniel Goleman

Esther Dyson

James J. O’Donnell

Jean Paul Schmetz

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Simon Baron-Cohen

Kevin Kelly

Martin Nowak

Tom Standage

Steven Giddings

Alexander Vilenkin

Lawrence M. Krauss

John D. Barrow

Paul J. Steinhardt

Lee Smolin

Anton Zeilinger

Gregory Benford

Rudy Rucker

Carlo Rovelli

Jeffrey Epstein

Howard Rheingold

Jaron Lanier

Marti Hearst

Kai Krause

Oliver Morton

W. Daniel Hillis

Martin E. P. Seligman

Neil Gershenfeld

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

About the Author

Books by John Brockman



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