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Title Page
[look i am king of the happy poets]
[all the kings are dead they lost to image]
[i woke up screaming & i ran about the]
[honey this morning take your time with]
[meet me at two at lucien we will talk]
[my memory includes all the pretty girls]
[your stubby slavic fingers be not far]
[so you will let me love the slug]
[that it may never end my dirty-work]
[did i ever tell you that when you]
[do you keep your eyes for me to groan over]
[my breath of cigarette smoke passing]
[i imagine the knocking of your hooves]
[& now you must follow ah snowfall is]
[the woman holds an angelfish in]
[the ash leapt in place on our foreheads]
[consider anal eroticism like a small breeze]
[beneath your arms there lives a longer]
[in the heart of pennsylvania there]
[what i’m going to tell you about from]
[try this apparently & at the line of trees]
[to be a poet you must understand how]
[what we say is strange & how o]
[i followed the wave to the shore a]
[i want to play with your playthings &]
[i’m taking one thing i know so well &]
[hello little one i no longer glue]
[i wanted to write a ballad today i]
[the sound of paper tearing makes your]
[we must not buy new windows they are]
[the curtains are up this morning i’m]
[a woman loves to see her man with his]
[it’s not the body’s fault & you know]
[to find you i had to remember the classic]
[though she weeps & howls all night long]
[i am almost a slave to the three of us]
[perhaps i think people should not love]
[i forgive what we do in silence]
[the bird didn’t blink if we are not too]
[i don’t believe the old when they walk]
[what do you know about it my hands]
[will you become a postcard for a little]
[there should be room for i wept something]
[but the roads are bad my dear he said &]
[so is there a world i know too well]
[get outta here i said to this fly once]
[when i’m done what i have to do is]
[pleasure forever what a funny thing]
[like nightfall itself when you smile your lips]
[i’d follow you nowhere which is a place you]
[on the new & accurate map of the world]
[let us circle the stones & commit]
[i’m out getting the peaches which are]
[the monkey was lucky he was so immortal]
About the Author
The National Poetry Series
About the Publisher