


Give Us Liberty电子书

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作       者:Armey, Dick

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:35.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This groundbreaking manifesto is essential reading for tea party activists or any American seeking to understand what the Tea Party is fighting for and what's next for the movement Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe have been on the front lines of one of the fastest-growing and most influential political phenomena in recent memory: the Tea Party movement. As the leaders of the advocacy organization FreedomWorks, they have helped guide and give voice to hundreds of thousands of activists from across the country and have a strong vision for the future of this powerful grassroots uprising.United by a strong belief in limited government and individual liberty, Tea Party members are changing the American political landscape. Unlike mainstream media accounts that observe the Tea Party movement from the outside looking in, Give Us Liberty chronicles the roots and rise of a new breed of taxpayer activism in the voices of those who were there. Discover the personalities that drove the first meetings, the unknown candidates whose principled stand earned them unlikely victories, the march that gathered more than a million activists, and the bedrock beliefs that brought them together. In this national call to action, Armey and Kibbe provide an intimate history of the movement, explain how citizens can join the cause, and chart the future of the Tea Party and America. Give Us Liberty also contains a battle-tested, step-by-step guide to organizing and effecting change in any community.


Title Page



Prologue: Revolution and Retreat

Chapter 1 - The Silent Majority Speaks

Chapter 2 - The American Revolutionary Model

Chapter 3 - Bailout

Chapter 4 - What We Stand For

Chapter 5 - The Status Quo Lashes Out at the Tea Party

Chapter 6 - Achieving Critical Mass

Chapter 7 - Why We Must Take Over the Republican Party

Chapter 8 - The New Center of American Politics

Chapter 9 - We Are a Movement of Ideas, Not Leaders

Epilogue: Changing the Culture in Tacoma, Washington

Appendix: FreedomWorks Grassroots Activism Toolkit

1. The Chapter Concept

2. Networking and Building Coalitions

3. How to Organize a Tea Party Protest

4. Traditional Media

5. Social Media

6. Lobbying Elected Officials

7. Recruiting

8. Retaining Activists

9. Fund-raising


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