


Untangling the Mind电子书

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作       者:George, David Theodore

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:42.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Free yourself from emotional turmoileven when that turmoil is caused by others! We have a much greater understanding of human behavior now than we did just a few decades ago. Yet even with this greater understanding of the human mind, why we do what we do can sometimes seem like a mystery. People are often left with unsettling questions about their own (or others') behavior. We ask ourselves, Why did I make a spectacle of myselfWhy am I so stressedWhy am I constantly so negativeIn his years as a clinician, Dr. Ted George has been struck by how much easier it is for people to say they have a physical illness than it is to admit they feel out of control with an emotion be it anger, fear, or depression. With a physical issue, you have the source of the problem in concrete terms, such as in a lab report, but with an emotional issue, it can be much harder to define what's gone wrong. Untangling the Mind helps make sense of what's happening and why. With knowledge of how the brain translates sensory signals into emotions, you will increase your understanding of your own and others' behaviors. As you learn about your psychological and neurological makeup, you will begin to see new possibilities for optimism, motivation, and well-being. We can control our behavior and our feelings, no matter how much they may have ruled us in the past, and Dr. George helps us know how. Once you understand the deeply rooted instincts that activate your emotions, you can live more peacefully, behave in ways that are more in keeping with the person you'd like to be, and enjoy your life more fully. And you'll be better able to remain unaffected by the drama of other people's emotional storms.




Part I: Why Emotions Spin Out of Control

1 - Patient Zero

2 - It’s All About Survival

3 - What Ignites Your Emotions

4 - An Answer in the PAG

Part II: Losing It: Extreme Behavior

5 - Hair-Trigger Tempers and Anger Unleashed

6 - Desperate to Escape: Panic

7 - Going into Shutdown

8 - Stone-Cold Predators

9 - Held Hostage by Trauma

10 - Another Route to Survival or Sickness: The Reward Pathway

Part III: Seeking Healthy Emotions

11 - Smothering the Fire: Treatment

12 - The Blame Game and Taking Personal Responsibility




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