


The Perfection Point电子书

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作       者:Brenkus, John

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:37.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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What's the fastest a human can run the 100-meter sprintWhat's the longest a human can hold his breathWhat are the limits of human performance?Welcome to The Perfection Point. Until 1954, common wisdom and scientific knowledge considered a sub-four-minute mile an impossible feat for a human. But then Roger Bannister broke that mark, followed quickly by a host of other athletes. Today the world record stands at 3 minutes, 43 seconds, yet even that number doesn't tell the full story of how fast humans can run a mile records are a mark of how well people have done, not how well they can do. What's the actual limitThe answer lies in The Perfection Point.In this fascinating and thought-provoking book, John Brenkus, the host, co-creator, and executive producer of ESPN's Sport Science, ventures across the sports world to provide an in-depth look at the absolute limits of human performance. Beginning with the current world records for a variety of sports, Brenkus finds the perfection point for each, zeroing in on the speeds, heights, distances, and times that humans will get closer to but never exceed.Combining cutting-edge science with the fundamentals of each sport, Brenkus answers questions as old as competition itself, exploring the outer realm of what's possible in athletics. Using engrossing and accessible language, he applies statistics, physics, and physiology to uncover perfection points such as: the highest dunk the longest home run the fastest mile the longest golf drive the heaviest bench press Intriguing, detailed, and controversial, the answers that Brenkus provides are essential reading for every sports fan. For years, coaches, pundits, and experts have speculated about the extremes of human ability. The Perfection Point finally provides the answers.


Title Page



Introduction: Finding the Limits

Chapter One - Raw Speed

Chapter Two - Pumping Iron

Chapter Three - Swimming

Chapter Four - Performance-Enhancing Substances

Chapter Five - Driving for Dough

Chapter Six - Hang Time

Chapter Seven - Breathing Lessons

Chapter Eight - The Last Slugger

Chapter Nine - The Marathon and the Mile

Epilogue: Are Perfection Points Reachable


About the Author


About the Publisher

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