


More How Do They Do That?电子书

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作       者:Sutton, Caroline

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:34.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Have you ever wondered:- How do they know how much an aircraft carrier weighs?- How do they get music onto a CD?- How does an electric eel generate electricity?- How do they know how long a second is?- How do penguins stay warm in Antarctica?- How do they teach guide dogs to cross at a green light?The answers to these and many other everyday wonders are explained.Here, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, are solutions to the riddles of everyday life. How exactly does a thief break into your car and drive off with it in less than a minuteAnd how do they get Hostess Twinkies to stay fresh for so longMore How Do They Do Thatalso reveals aspects of modern science and the natural world that are often taken for granted. How do they measure the heat of distant starsHow do they measure the ozone layerAnd how do they know there's going to be another ice age in two thousand yearsThe answers await within. . .


Title Page


How do they detect counterfeit bills?

How do they keep you from registering to vote in more than one jurisdiction?

How do they get ships through the Panama Canal?

How do they make a breed of dog “official” at the American Kennel Club?

How do they write headlines at the New York Post?

How do they find arbitrators for baseball contract arbitrations?

How do they make margarine taste like butter (almost, anyway)?

How do so many Japanese play golf in a country with so few golf courses?

How do they set the price on a new public stock offering?

How do they know Jimmy Hoffa is dead?

How do they get rid of gallstones without operating?

How do they make telephones for the deaf?

How do banks make money off of credit card purchases even when you don’t pay interest?

How do they choose cartoons for The New Yorker?

How do they make rechargeable batteries?

How do they set the minimum bid on a painting that is up for auction?

How do antilock brakes work?

How do they know television viewers don’t cheat during the Nielsen ratings?

How do they manufacture genes?

How do they stop you from getting a credit card under a false name?

How do members of Congress make themselves sound articulate in the Congressional Record?

How do they “make” veal?

How do they determine the profit of a Hollywood movie?

How do they decide who gets nominated for Oscars?

How do they make nonalcoholic beer?

How do they know there was an ice age?

How do they correct nearsightedness in ten minutes?

How do lawyers research members of a jury before deciding whether to challenge them?

How does an electric eel generate electricity?

How does an invisible fence keep your dog from straying?

How does a thief break into your car and drive off with it in less than a minute?

How do they get the oat bran out of oats?

How do they get the bubbles into seltzer?

How do they teach guide dogs to cross at the green light?

How do they measure dream activity?

How do they decide whose obituary gets published in The New York Times?

How do they know there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on an ocean beach?

How do they decide where to put a new book in the Library of Congress?

How do they discover a new drug?

How do they get honey out of a honeycomb?

How do they know what caste a resident of Bombay belongs to?

How do they dry-clean clothes without getting them wet?

How do they make glow-in-the-dark toys?

How do they predict when a fine wine will be ready to drink?

How do they know how much an aircraft carrier weighs?

How do they decide what or who gets honored on U.S. postage stamps?

How do emperor penguins stay warm in Antarctica?

How do they make it easier for celebrities to attend concerts or Broadway shows?

How do they treat drug addiction with acupuncture?

How do tightrope walkers stay on the wire?

How do they recycle newspapers?

How does a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat?

How do they make long-life milk?

How do they pick Pulitzer Prize winners?

How do they make crack?

How do they measure the unemployment rate?

How do they interview and hire simultaneous interpreters at the United Nations?

How do they spread a computer virus?

How do they get the caffeine out of coffee?

How do they test golf balls before offering them for sale?

How do they see a black hole?

How do they get the music onto a CD?

How do they make the Hudson River drinkable?

How do they pack Neapolitan ice cream?

How do they make sure condoms won’t break?

How do they make stainproof carpets?

How do they teach a bear to ride a bicycle?

How do they measure the ozone layer?

How do they count calories in food?

How do they know how much money will come out of a cash machine?

How does the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture get mentioned on cereal boxes?

How do they detect wind shear?

How do they make fake photos on magazine covers?

How do they make shredded wheat?

How do they write words across the sky in airplane exhaust?

How do they determine who gets into Harvard?

How do chameleons change color?

How do they make high-definition television?

How do they wrap Hershey’s Kisses?

How do they teach a computer to recognize your voice?

How do they know who has won an election before the polls close?

How do they train structural steelworkers to walk on unprotected beams five hundred feet in the air?

How do they find heart or liver donors?

How do they get the cork into a bottle of champagne?

How do they make Hostess Twinkies stay fresh for years and years?

How does the SEC know when someone’s doing inside stock trading?

How do they decide what goes on the cover of People magazine?

How do they put the smell into scratch-and-sniff advertising?

How does sunscreen screen out the sun?

How does bleach get clothes white?

How do they get rid of radioactive nuclear waste?

How do they keep Coca Cola drinkable in polar regions?

How do they know if a runner false-starts in an Olympic sprint?

How do crocodiles clean their teeth?

How do lawyers get paid when a company files for bankruptcy?

How do they decide how much to pay the queen of England?

How do they raise a sunken ship?

How do they know how long a second is?

How do they decide what to charge for a minute of advertising during the broadcast of the Super Bowl?

How do they know what a particular dinosaur ate?

How do they measure the heat of distant stars?

How do they know there’s going to be another ice age in two thousand years?




Also by Caroline Sutton


About the Publisher

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