


Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea电子书

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作       者:Giovanni, Nikki

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:11.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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When Nikki Giovanni's poems first emerged during the Civil Rights and Black Arts Movements of the 1960s, she immediately took a place among the most celebrated and influential poets of the era. Now, Giovanni continues to stand as one of the most commanding, luminous voices to grace America's political and poetic landscape. In a career spanning over thirty years, Giovanni has created a body of work that's become vital and essential to our American consciousness. This collection of new poems is a masterpiece that explores the ecstatic union between self and community. Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea is an extraordinarily intimate collection. Each poem bears our revered cultural icon's trademark of the unfalteringly political and the intensely personal: The elegant "What We Miss" exalts the might and grace of women, while "Swinging on a Rainbow" rejoices about the spaces in which we read; Giovanni commemorates Africa and her family legacy in the majestic "Symphony of the Sphinx" and contemplates our America in the heartbreaking "Desperate Acts" and "9:11:01 He Blew It." And in the dreamy "Making James Baldwin" and dazzling "Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea," Giovanni gives us reason to comfort, to share, to love, to change and to be human. Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea is Nikki Giovanni's meditation on humanity and soul. It's her revelatory gaze at the world in which we live -- and her confession on the world she dreams we will one day call home. Nikki Giovanni is a national treasure as she once again confirms her place as one of America's most powerful truth tellers and beloved daughters.


Title Page



Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea

Possum Crossing

A Robin’s Nest in Snow

The Wind in the Bottle

Rosa Parks

What We Miss

In the Spirit of Martin

BLK History Month

Shoulders Are For Emergencies Only

I Always Think of Meatloaf

Symphony of the Sphinx

Cal Johnson Park in Knoxville, Tennessee

Aunt Daughter and That Glorious Song

Blackberry Cobbler

The Son of the Sun

No Complaints

Here’s to Gwen

The train to Knoxville

Twenty Reasons to Love Richard Williams

Another Aretha Poem

Ann’s Poem

A Community of Clouds

Swinging on a Rainbow

For Tony and Betty

Word Olympics

Desperate Acts

9:11:01 He Blew It

The Self-Evident Poem

Have Dinner with Me

My America

The Girls in the Circle

The Meadow Throws A Birthday Party

A Very Special Christmas

Bring On The Bombs

Making James Baldwin

Beamer Ball

Susan Smith

Emerson Edward Rudd

Art Sanctuary

Sanctuary: For Harry Potter the Movie

From Whence Cometh My Help

A Miracle for Me

A Deer in Headlights

The Nashville Connection

Redfish, Eels, and Heidi

In Praise of a Teacher

Don’t Think

The Song of the Feet

About the Author

Other Books by Nikki Giovanni


About the Publisher

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