Get an All-Access Passto the Other SideFor decades on television, in consultations,and in packed auditoriums across the country renowned psychic Sylvia Browne has beenasked one question again and again: What ismy favorite celebrity doing on the Other Side?Now, for the first time, you can follow the redcarpet into the heart of the spirit world. Brownereveals intimate details of how some of our mostcherished actors, musicians, and public figureshave fared since their deaths, giving us one moreglimpse into the personalities we loved and lost.Both moving and rollicking, this is one book that struly impossible to put down! Afterlives of the Rich and Famous features intimateafterlife accounts of Princess Diana, John Lennon,Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe, and othercharismatic celebrities. By channeling herlongtime spirit guide, Francine, Browne gainedunrestricted access to a dimension most of uscan only imagine, one in which telepathiccommunication is the norm and everyoneoccupies their healthy, thirty-year-old beautifulbody. In candid reports, these stars revealfascinating details about their new lives and thework they're doing on the Other Side, manyeven sharing whether and where they intend toreincarnate.With accounts written entirely in a trance state,Afterlives of the Rich and Famous offers an unprecedentedlook at life on the Other Side. You'll find detailed de*ions as Browne brings thespirit world vividly to life and explains how weget there, from what transpires at the moment ofdeath to the extraordinary welcome spirits receive.Afterlives of the Rich and Famous is a book that no oneelse could have written and a must-read for everyfan of this extraordinary assembly of celebrities.