


Rockers and Rollers电子书

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作       者:Johnson, Brian

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:27.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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By night, Brian Johnson sings in the biggest rock ’n’ roll band on the planet. But by day, AC/DC’s frontman drives balls to the wall. Cars and rock ’n’ roll—they were made for each other. When he was a young boy growing up in a working-class English town, Brian developed what would become a lifelong passion for cars, trolling junkyards and even pretending to drive the family car. From there, he steamed up the windows of his old Mini Cooper as a teenager, spent untold time in hygienically challenged tour buses with helpful signs such as No Shitting Allowed. Shagging Expected, was chauffeured in leather-trimmed limos, and raced cars to a checkered flag. Featuring guest stars Cliff Williams, Malcolm and Angus Young, and many, many others, even Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rockers and Rollers is a tribute to Brian’s obsession with four wheels. By turns surprising, poignant, funny, and maybe a little bit bawdy, these are the stories of a man who drives as hard as he rocks.


Title Page


Chapter 1 - The Last Chapter: Reflecting on the end of the beginning

Chapter 2 - Kids in Dunston: Exploring dangerous places

Chapter 3 - The Driving Test: The harrowing adventures of the road test

Chapter 4 - Tour Bus: Not your father’s tour bus story

Chapter 5 - Rovers and Rollers: Dead or alive, you will be driven in style

Chapter 6 - Cliff Williams: Occupation: World’s Best Rock 'n' Roll Bass Player

Chapter 7 - Beauty and the Beast: If Hell were a vacation, this would be it

Chapter 8 - The Hummer and The Schwarzenegger: AC/DC, an Austrian, a music video, and a rather large vehicle

Chapter 9 - Lotus Cortina Mk1: How to crash your first race car

Chapter 10 - From Bedfords to Bedknobs: Building a car with a headboard

Chapter 11 - The Wolseley: My first love

Chapter 12 - Grand National: The race that stopped a country

Chapter 13 - The Bulldog and the Chick: When an old Brit shags a beautiful Italian

Chapter 14 - The BSA Bantam: The opposite of a chick magnet

Chapter 15 - A Lovely Story: How not to order room service

Chapter 16 - The E-Type Penis Extension: Too hot to run

Chapter 17 - The Pilbeam: A lot more tit for your bang

Chapter 18 - TVR: Two seats and a shelf

Chapter 19 - The Mini: The Beatles of cars

Chapter 20 - Phil Rudd: Occupation: World’s Best Drummer

Chapter 21 - Sebring: “Does Rose Kennedy have a black dress?”

Chapter 22 - My Dad and Mam: Trying to repay a debt

Chapter 23 - Popular: King of the road

Chapter 24 - The Isle of Man: Escaping the tax man

Chapter 25 - Reckless on the Airbus 320: “What the fuck are you doing?”

Chapter 26 - Land Rover LR3: Cheering up Cliff

Chapter 27 - Road Trip: Drive this

Chapter 28 - Brendan Healey: Drinking fractionally

Chapter 29 - Crackerjack: It all starts with the toys

Chapter 30 - Take a Backseat: “Don’t be shy, your mother wasn’t.”

Chapter 31 - The Phantom: The black velvet humpback whale

Chapter 32 - My First Race Meet: Finding the Autodrome

Chapter 33 - Austin A35: A smiling pregnant snail

Chapter 34 - Malcolm Young: Occupation: World’s Greatest Riffmeister

Chapter 35 - Günther: If a marine were on steroids and driving

Chapter 36 - My Brother, Maurice: Car rats in arms

Chapter 37 - Angus Young: Occupation: Devilish Imp Schoolboy Guitarist

Chapter 38 - Cars and Music: You can’t have one without the other

Chapter 39 - Tour Bus Tippy-Toe: Taking on the mentally challenged moral minority

Chapter 40 - Marital Blues 1968: Riding shotgun

Chapter 41 - Jerry Wexler (Rock in Peace): Rhythm and blues and Saabs

Chapter 42 - Tour Bus II: “No shitting allowed. Shagging expected.”

Chapter 43 - The Things You Do for Vans: Parachute jumping ain’t fun

Chapter 44 - Car Porn: Make sure the door’s locked

Chapter 45 - Lots of Trouble, Usually Serious: What L-O-T-U-S really stands for

Chapter 46 - Paul Newman: Gentleman of the track

Chapter 47 - Pimp My Ride Rant: Making beautiful cars awful

Chapter 48 - Awesome Bill from Dawsonville: How moonshine made race cars

Chapter 49 - The Greats: Are they drivers or gods?

Chapter 50 - The Bounder Unleashed: Too huge to drive

Chapter 51 - Moscow 1991: Playing the sound of freedom for a million people

Chapter 52 - Alligator Alley: Home is where the alligators are

Chapter 53 - Teacake: Handicapped cars are dangerous

Chapter 54 - The Italian Job: Death and destruction

Chapter 55 - La Dolce Vita: How Italy changes you

Chapter 56 - Aston Martin Zagato: When a Renzo marries a Zagato

Chapter 57 - Citroën DS: “Right, I’m up and I’m staying up until I get a shag.”

Chapter 58 - Hurley Haywood: Keeping your head horizontal

Chapter 59 - The Memphis Belle: The noise that will live with me forever

Chapter 60 - Concorde: Sitting on top of Mount Vesuvius

Chapter 61 - The Anal Intruder: The terrorizing of AC/DC

Chapter 62 - Accident-prone: Unsafe driving

Chapter 63 - James Dean: Were directors shagging him?

Chapter 64 - Cars on Film: The movies that get it right

Chapter 65 - Donald “Duck” Dunn: The Blues Brother

Chapter 66 - Notes from the Front Line: Wilkes-Barre

Chapter 67 - The Godfather of Music Transportation: The kind of car royalties get you

Chapter 68 - Geordie Defty: Stilletoed shagger

Chapter 69 - The Tyne Tunnel: She crosses her legs so you can’t get out

Chapter 70 - Brands Hatch: Supergluing your ass to the wall

Chapter 71 - Haggis: What happens when you microwave it

Chapter 72 - The Biggest Winning Margin Ever: From Peking to Paris

Chapter 73 - Notes from the Front Line: Minneapolis

Chapter 74 - Scientologist Dave: A spooky fuck

Chapter 75 - Harley-Davidson: What you find in Australia

Chapter 76 - Notes from the Front Line: Toronto

Chapter 77 - Derek “Deke” Rootham: Peeing in a pint glass

Chapter 78 - David Whittaker: Tighter than a fish’s arse

Chapter 79 - The Unreality of The Race: Why reality television sucks

Chapter 80 - Geordie: Starting a band in a lousy year

Chapter 81 - Fiat 500: A cautionary tale

Chapter 82 - Jaguar 2.8 Mk2: Owning a car you can’t afford

Chapter 83 - Windshields: A career born

Chapter 84 - The Dog’s Dangly Bits: How to pass time on the road

Chapter 85 - Lincoln Continental: Safe operating speed: 0

Chapter 86 - The Benefits of Driving in France: Siamese twins walk into a pub

Chapter 87 - Sexy French Cars: I’m-French-and-fuck-you attitude

Chapter 88 - Porsche Twin Turbo: Smoking is dangerous for your car

Chapter 89 - Historic Racing Machines: When it’s magic time

Chapter 90 - Notes from the Front Line: Atlanta

Chapter 91 - North-East Vinyls and AC/DC: The two career choices and what I chose

Chapter 92 - The End: The end

Photographic Insert

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