


The Enneagram Made Easy电子书

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作       者:Baron, Renee

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:10.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The first easy, and fun guide to the Enneagram, the fascinating and revealing method of understanding personality types, for the beginner, the expert, and everyone in between. This witty and informative guide demystifies the ancient Enneagram system with cartoons, exercises, and personality tests that reveal our motivations and desires and show how to put that knowledge to use in our everyday lives. The 9 types of people: The Perfectionist motivated by the need to live life the right way, improve oneself and others, and avoid anger. The Helper motivated by the need to be loved and appreciated and to express your positive feelings towards others. The Achiever motivated by the need to be productive, to achieve success, and to avoid failure. The Romantic motivated by the need to understand your feelings and to be understood to search for the meaning of life, and to avoid being ordinary. The Observer motivated by the need to know everything and understand the universe, to be self sufficient and left alone, and to avoid not having the answer or looking foolish. The Questioner motivated by the need for security, to feel taken care of, or to confront your fears. The Adventurer motivated by the need to be happy and plan fun things, to contribute to the world, and to avoid suffering and pain. The Asserter motivated by the need to be self reliant and strong, to make an impact on the world, and to avoid being weak. The Peacemaker motivated by the need to keep the peace, merge with others, and avoid conflict.


Title Page



About the Enneagram

The Perfectionist (the One)

The Helper (the Two)

The Achiever (the Three)

The Romantic (the Four)

The Observer (the Five)

The Questioner (the Six)

The Adventurer (the Seven)

The Asserter (the Eight)

The Peacemaker (the Nine)

How the Enneagram and the Jungian Types Fit Together

Suggested Reading


About the Authors

Other Books by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele


About the Publisher

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