


Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs?电子书

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作       者:Bertoldi, Concetta

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:26.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Highly unorthodox questions and answers about life after life from America's most delightful medium Concetta Bertoldi has been communicating with the "Other Side" since childhood. In her previous book, the bestselling Do Dead People Watch You Shower?, she addressed questions about the afterlife that ranged from the poignant to the provocative. Now she returns with Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs?, a second volume of intriguing observations about our beloved deceased. Moving, funny, and fascinating, it will open your eyes to what really comes after life while offering intimate insights into Concetta's own astonishing life and what her gift has meant to her marriage, her friendships, and the path she was destined to take.


Title Page




Can the Dead Joke with us?

Why is it that Mean, Rich People Keep on Getting Richer?

Why is it that Mean Kids Who Bully Others Don’t Always Get their Comeuppance?

How Do the Dead let us know that they hear us, or Let Us Know they are there?

Is there One Method that the Deceased Use More than Others When they want to Connect?

If We Want to Get a Message to a Loved One Who has Crossed Over, how Can We Know that Our Message has been Received?

Is the Day of the Dead the Real Deal? Do the Dead Really Come Back to Life?

What Do you Think about Halloween?

Does Great-Grandma Hate My piercings?

How Does a Medium Know If the Information She is Relating to Clients is True?

Do Dead People Ever Lie?

What is the Absolute Strangest Place You’ve Ever been Visited by a Dead Guy (Or Gal)?

Do the Dead Miss their Favorite Foods?

Do the Dead Concern Themselves with the Health of Their Living Loved Ones?

If I’m Having Surgery, Can My Dead Loved Ones Help Me?

When Someone is Under Anesthesia, Where Does Their Soul Go, and Can They Connect With Loved Ones on the Other Side?

Can the Dead Literally Save Us When We are in Life-Threatening Circumstances?

What Happens in Cases of Accidental Killings? Are They Considered Murder?

In the Case of An Airplane Crash or Serious Train Accident Where Many People Die All Together, Is That Also “Preplanned” on the Other Side?

What is True Spirituality?

Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs?

Will All Our Pets be With Us in Heaven, or Just Our Favorite Ones?

If There Was One Pet We Loved Best of All, Will Our Other Pets be Okay With That or Will It Hurt Their Feelings?

I Think I May have Psychic Abilities and My Church Does Not Really Approve. Is There Any Reason to Fear These Abilities?

Is There Any Sure Way to Get Rid of Negative Energy in One’s Home or Around One’s Person?

Can Psychics Play the Ponies?

Does God Know If We “Covet Our Neighbor’s Wife”—Or Husband, For That Matter?

If Someone Had An Affair and Was Never Caught, Would Their Significant Other Find Out About It Once They Crossed to the Great Beyond?

Why Do Some Psychics Use Cards or a Crystal Ball to Do a Reading?

How is Your Psychic Style Different From Other Mediums?

What are Some Ways the Average Person Can Increase Their Psychic Capability?

Are Children More Psychic Than Adults?

Can Children Also Actually Communicate With Spirits?

How Can We Use Whatever Level of Psychic Ability We have for the Greatest Good?

What Type of Meditation Do You Practice?

Why aren’t We All Born Pretty?

You Believe That We Keep Our Same Personalities on the Other Side. What About Someone Who has Brain Damage, Whose Personality has been Either Stunted or Vastly Altered?

Is It Possible for Someone Who is Not a Psychic to See Angels?

Can Ghosts Travel, or Do They Only Appear Wherever They Lived? For Example, If My Grandfather has Never been to Spain, Could He Go As a Ghost?

If They Were So Inclined, Could a Spirit Give Us a Hug?

How Can a Spirit Tuck Us in When They Don’t have Any Hands?

What is the Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned From the Other Side?

You Said It Was Hard to Choose, So What is Another Great Lesson You’ve Learned From the Other Side?

Is There Any Way I Can Find Out Who My Guardian Angel is?

Do We have More Than One Guardian Angel?

If My Loved One has Died Before My Child is Born Will They Know About the New Baby?

Do Unborn Children Come Again to the Same Mother?

Are Down Syndrome Kids Highly Evolved Beings?

Does Psychic Ability in Families Usually Skip a Generation the Way They Say Twins Tend to Do?

So Many People Feel Like When They Die They are Leaving Important Things Undone or Leaving a Big Mess for Others to Clean Up. Are We Really Messing Up? Or Is This Part of Some Plan?

There are So Many Different Religious Beliefs—Does It Matter at All What We Believe?

Why Does the Energy of God Exist at All?

What is Our Soul’s Purpose?

Is There Any Secret to Getting to Heaven?

Does Everyone have Past Lives?

How Can We Know About Our Past Lives, Who We Were Before?

Do Children have Better Recall of Past Lives Than Adults?

Once We Evolve and No Longer Come Back to Earth, What is Our Purpose?

Why Do We have Certain People in Our Lives?

Does This Mean We have a Spiritual Relationship With Everyone in the Astrodome or Giants Stadium If We Go to Watch a Game?

If Spirits Reincarnate, How Can We Retain a Single Identity and Relate to a Single Set of Loved Ones—Living and Dead—and have a Single Set of Likes and Dislikes?

You’ve Said That We are All Here to Learn Lessons. What If We Get a Failing Grade on the Test?

If My Partner and I Fight, Does This Mean We’re Not Really Soul Mates?

So the Romantic Idea of a Soul Mate Isn’t Real?

Why is It That Some Families are Really Close and Others Hardly Seem Connected at All?

Why Do Tragedies Seem to Run in Some Families—Like All the Men Dying Young, or Multi-Generational Alcoholism, or Mental Illness?

What are Some of the Causes of “Family Karma”?

What’s Going to Happen in 2012?

What Exactly is It That Animals Do for Us?

Isn’t There Any Such Thing As a Bad Animal?

Can a Dog That has Crossed Over Reincarnate As a Cat?

Can Pets See Ghosts?

Can Our Pets Come Back From the Other Side? and If So, What Would be the Reason for This Kind of Visit?

Do Our Pets Reincarnate, Like Humans Do?

Do Pets have Karma Like Humans Do?

Does An Animal have the Same Kind of Soul a Person Does?

Is There Any Advice You Can Give for How One Might Comfort a Child Whose Pet has Crossed Over?

Are Animals Psychic?

Do All Good Pets Go to Heaven?

What is the Most Difficult Thing About being Psychic?

Do the Dead Ever “Give It a Rest” and Let You Alone?

Is There Never Any Time That the Dead Bother You?

Since You have been Psychic All Your Life, Did You Always Know That You Would Write a Book and be a Public Figure?

If You Could Connect With Any Performer, Who Would It be?

Will Our Deceased Loved Ones be in Close Vigil With Us Before We Ourselves Cross to the Other Side?

Have Parents Who Experience the Loss of a Child Angered God?

How Can a Loving God Let Innocent Children be Born With Terrible Diseases or Defects?

Why Does God allow Suffering?

Why Do the Dead Do Subtle, Not Obvious Things to Get Our Attention? I’ve been Trying to Communicate With My Mother and I’m Not Getting Anything.

Have You Ever Tried to Contact Someone Who Already has been Reincarnated? If So, What Was the Result?

Can I Ask My Deceased Mother to Help Me Meet My Soul Mate?

How Does My Deceased Mother Know Who the Right Person is for Me? and How Can I Know That I’m Getting Her Message Right, That This is the One?

Is Our Time of Death “Etched in Stone” Before We Get Here, Before We are Born?

Is There Any Way We Can Change Our Date With Destiny?

If I Get the Strong Feeling That Someone is Going to Die, and Yet That Person is Not Sick or Troubled, What Should I Do?

If Someone is Not a Believer When It Comes to the Other Side, How Can They Overcome Their Skepticism?

I’ve Heard It Said That the Light Spots That Sometimes Show Up in Photographs are Actually Spirits—Is This True?

When You are Doing a Reading, What are Some of the Ways You are Able to Identify the Person Who has Crossed to the Other Side, and What Kind of Clues Do You Get?

Can a Medium Listen in to Spirits Around Me Anytime She or He Wants?

You’re Always Talking About Hanging Out With Dead Guys. Don’t You Ever Hang Out With Dead Gals?

After You’ve Already Done a Reading for Someone, Do Spirits Ever Call You Back With Things They’ve Forgotten to Say?

Is There a Particular Reading You’ve Done That Would Stand Out for You As an Especially Precious Moment?

What Do You Think About the Secret?

When a Significant Other has Crossed, How Can We Continue to Honor the Bond We Had With Them?

You Say That They Want Us to be Happy, But What If I Just Can’t Get Past My Grief?

Do You have Any Suggestions for Mastering This?

Can’t the Other Side Help Me Get Over My Grief?

If Someone Commits Suicide in Order to be With a Particular Person They are Missing, Will They in Fact See That Person, or Will They have Ended Their Life in Vain?

Can a Medium Help Me If I Am Grieving Over a Loved One?

Is Evil a Real Thing? If So, Can You Say Why It Exists?

What Happens to All the Negativity or Evil When Someone Dies Who is Cruel, Mean, or Harmful to Others?

If Someone Hurt Us Early in Life, As in the Case of Child Abuse, Can Their Negativity Still Influence Us After They are Dead?

If Someone Stole a Lot of Money From Us, Like in Business, What Happens to the Unpaid Debt? Does It Get Paid Back in a Next Lifetime?

Besides Killing or Abusing Someone, or Causing Them Any Kind of Physical or Emotional Harm, Is There One Thing That the Other Side Says We Shouldn’t Do If We Want to Avoid Adding Bad Karma to Our Soul?

If We’ve Caused Someone Sorrow or Injury and They have Already Crossed to the Other Side, How Can We Get Forgiveness?

Can You Explain What It Feels Like to Travel Out of Body?

Can You Describe a Time When You Were Out of Your Body?

Is This Astral Travel Only Possible at Night?

What is the Furthest You’ve Ever Traveled Out of Your Body?

Can Anyone Travel Out of Body?

Why Do You Think Some People Fear Ghosts, While Others are Fascinated?

Have You Ever been Really Frightened by a Ghost?

Have You Ever been Startled by a Spirit Who Came Through While You Were Doing a Reading?

What’s the Craziest Ghost Story You’ve Ever Heard or Experienced?

Is An Exorcism the Only Way to Get Rid of An Unwanted Spirit?

When You Do a Large Show, Is There a Particular Kind of Room That is Most Conducive to the Spirits?

If Someone Wanted to Host a Medium in Their Home, What Would be the Ideal Setup?

What are Some of the Coolest Things Dead Guys have Done for You?

It Seems Like the Dead Enjoy Helping Out—Why is That?

What Would You Suggest to Make the World a Better Place?

Why is It That We are Not Supposed to Judge?

What If We Don’t Need Anything—Will Our Loved Ones Still be Around Us?

Are the Dead Proud of Their Earthly Accomplishments, of Things They’ve Done or Created That They Leave Behind Them?

Can the Spirits of Our Deceased Loved Ones Come to Us in Dreams?

How Can We Know If It’s Really Our Loved One or Just Something We “Dreamed Up”?

Is It Normal for a Loved One to Visit in a Dream Before They Cross to the Other Side?

Is One Religion More “Right” About the Other Side Than Others?

How is It That We’ve Gotten So Far From Heaven, From the Side of God?

Why is It Important for Us to Find Our Spiritual Nature?

Why Do You Feel It’s Important to Do the Work You Do?

When We Dream of the Dead, are They Really Trying to Talk to Us?

What is the Biggest Secret You’ve Learned From the Dead?


About the Author

Other Books by Concetta Bertoldi



About the Publisher

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