


When Do Fish Sleep?电子书

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作       者:Feldman, David

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:42.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Ponder, if you will ...Why are tennis balls fuzzyHow come birds don't tip over when they sleep on telephone wiresWhat makes yawning contagiousWhy, oh why, do roosters have to crow so early in the morningPop-culture guru David Feldman demystifies these topics and so much more in When Do Fish Sleep-- the unchallenged source of answers to civilization's most baffling questions. Part of the Imponderables series and charmingly illustrated by Kassie Schwan, When Do Fish Sleeparms readers with the knowledge about everyday life that encyclopedias, dictionaries, and almanacs just don't have. And think about it, where else are you going to get to the bottom of why Mickey Mouse has only four fingers?


Title Page




Why Do Roosters...

Why Do Many Hotels...

Why Do Gas Gauges...

How Is the Caloric...

Who Put E on Top...

Do the Police Really...

What Do Restaurants...

If Water Is Heavier...

Why Are There More...

How Do Fish Return...

Why Do We Call Our...

When You Are Driving...

When Does a Calf...

When One Has...

Why Do New...

What Are Dimples?...

Why Do Bath Towels...

How Do Stamp Pads...

Why Are Tupperware...

Why Do Monkeys in...

Why Is Cheddar...

What Is the...

What Exactly...

What Flavor...

Why Don't Traffic...

Why Does Mickey...

Why Don't Migrating...

Why Do Some Hard-Boiled...

Why Are Tennis Balls...

What Causes Floaters...

Does It Ever Really...

Why Do Dogs Have...

If Church and ...

Why Do Females...

Given that the...

Why Do Telephone...

Why Do Golf Balls...

Why Don't Crickets...

Why Is a Navy Captain...

Why Do Astronomers Look...

Why Are the Rolls or...

Why Do Chickens and...

Why Haven't Vending...

Now that Most Products...

Why Is a Blue Ribbon...

What Is the "Cottage"...

Why Are There So Many...

Why Is Flour Bleached?

What Is Goofy?

How Did the Toque...

When and Where Do...

How Can Hurricanes...

Why Are Downhill...

Why Do So Many...

Why Are Silos Round?

Why Does Dialing...

Why Can't (Or Won't)...

Why Do Telegrams End...

Why Are Most Snack-Food...

Why Are the Commercials...

Why Is U.S. Paper...

Why Do We Have to...

Why Don't Grazing...

Why Don't Queen-Sized...

Why Is There Cotton...

Why Do Bagels Have...

Do the Digits in a...

Why Do the Light...

How Are Olives...

Why Is One Side...

What Is the Difference...

Why Aren't There...

Why Do Mayors...

What Is the...

Why Are Banking...

Speaking of ATMs...

Why Does Granulated...

Why Do Two Horses in...

Why Does Your Whole...

How Did Romans Do the...

Why Do Some Ice Cubes...

Why Are Most Pencils...

Why Do You Have to...

Why Do Fish Eat..

Why Are Stock...

Why Are Socks...

Why Do Cattle...

Why Are There...

What Are Those...

Why Does Starch...

How Does the Campbell...

What Is the Purpose...

Why Are U.S. Government...

Why Is Prepackaged...

Why Do Fingernails...

Why Do We Dream More...

Why Do Place Kickers...

How Does a Gas Pump...

How Does the Treasury...

What Is the Purpose...

Why Don't Birds Tip...

Why Is It Sometimes...

Why Is There an...

Who Translates the...

Why Do Roaches Always...

Why Does Warmth...

Why Can't We Use...

Why Are the Toilet...

How Are the First Days...

Why Do Most Cars Have...

What's the Difference...

What Does It Mean...

How Does Yeast Make...

Why Do Doctors Tap...

Why Do Military Personnel...

Why Do Recipes Warn Us...

Where Is Donald...

What causes Bags...

How Do Blind People...

When Not Flying...

Why Does String...

Who Got the Idea...

Why Are Tattoos...

Why Is the Width...

Why Is the Bathtub...

Do Fish Sleep? If So...

Why Do We Seem to Feel...

Why Do Many Dry Cleaning...

Why Do Kellogg's Rice...

Why Do So Many Cough...

Why Do Letters Sent...

Why Isn't There a...

Is It True that...

Why Do Some...

Why Are There...

Why Are Rented...

What's the Difference...

Why Are There Cracks on...

Why Do We Have to Shake...

Why Do Airlines Use Red...

I Have a Dollar...

To What Do the...

When I Put One...

Why Are Almost...

Why Is There...

What Causes...

Why Are Barns Red?

Why Are Manhole...

10 New Frustables

Frustables Update



Searchable Terms

Master Index of Imponderability


About the Author

Other Books by David Feldman



About the Publisher

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