


Better Off电子书

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作       者:Brende, Eric

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:38.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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What happens when a graduate of MIT, the bastion of technological advancement, and his bride move to a community so primitive in its technology that even Amish groups consider it antiquated?Eric Brende conceives a real-life experiment: to see if, in fact, all our cell phones, wide-screen TVs, and SUVs have made life easier and better -- or whether life would be preferable without them. By turns, the query narrows down to a single question: What is the least we need to achieve the mostWith this in mind, the Brendes ditch their car, electric stove, refrigerator, running water, and everything else motorized or "hooked to the grid" and begin an eighteen-month trial run -- one that dramatically changes the way they live, and proves entertaining and surprising to readers.Better OFF is a smart, often comedic, and always riveting book that also mingles scientific analysis with the human story, demonstrating how a world free of technological excess can shrink stress -- and waistlines -- and expand happiness, health, and leisure. Our notion that technophobes are backward gets turned on its head as the Brendes realize that the crucial technological decisions of their adopted Minimite community are made more soberly and deliberately than in the surrounding culture, and the result is greater -- not lesser -- mastery over the conditions of human existence.


Title Page


Explanatory Note


Cast of Neighbors

Prologue: Taking Orders

Section I: Planting

One: Seeds of Discontent

Two: Paring Back

Three: Lightening Up

Four: Artfully Answering Nature

Five: The Ram

Six: The Missing Refrigerator

Seven: The Sounds of Silence

Section II: Growing

Eight: Quickening

Nine: A Church Meeting

Ten: A Barn Raising

Eleven: The Dating Game

Twelve: Meet the Neighbors

Thirteen: Secrets and Politics

Fourteen: Heatstroke

Fifteen: Weighing the Work

Section III: Harvesting

Sixteen: As the Pumpkins Turn

Seventeen: After the Fall: Even Farmers Get the Blues

Eighteen: Birth

Nineteen: Husbandry

Twenty: Pulling in the Reins

Twenty-One: Closing Time

Twenty-Two: Outside, and the Box

Epilogue: Recipe for a Leisurely, Laborsaving Life


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