


How Did They Do That?电子书

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作       者:Sutton, Caroline

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:52.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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The totally satisfying answers to more than 100 questions that drive normal people not to mention infomaniacs and trivia buffs crazy.Questions about matters great and small, from ancient times to yesterday.Illustrated with illuminating technical drawings and unusual vintage photographs.How did they spend $40 million making Heaven's Gate?How did they decide the length of a mile?How did Beethoven compose when he was deaf?How did they discover the Hope diamond?How did they know the size of the Earth over 1,700 years before anyone sailed around it?How did they set the price of the Louisiana Purchase?How did the FBI devise the "Ten Most Wanted" list?How did they decide which horses were Thoroughbreds?How did they pick the Four Hundred?How did they start the Guiness Book of World Records?How did the Indians decide that cows were sacred?How did they discover penicillin?How did they build the Great Pyramid at Giza?How did they decide how tall to make the Empire State Building?How did they know there was an El Dorado?How did they start the Chicago fire of 1871?How did Hannibal cross the Alps?


Title Page


How did they spend $40 million making Heaven’s Gate?

How did they discover penicillin?

How did they decide to make Washington the capital of the United States?

How did they find the Dead Sea Scrolls?

How did Rudolph Valentino spend his wedding nights?

How did they shoot up Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde?

How did they know that the dodo was extinct?

How did they put out the San Francisco fire of 1906?

How did everybody start twisting?

How did they get the stones in place at Stonehenge?

How did Marie Antoinette “let them eat…” croissants?

How did they block Roosevelt’s plan to pack the Supreme Court?

How did the Indians decide that cows were sacred?

How did they start the Guinness Book of World Records?

How did they discover champagne?

How did James Joyce support himself while writing Ulysses?

How did the first European explorers cross North America and reach the Pacific?

How did they decide that blue was for boys, pink for girls?

How did Dick Fosbury change the techniques of high jumping?

How did they get the idea that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare’s plays?

How did Cardinal Richelieu, Prime Minister of France under Louis XIII, get his exercise?

How did they design the first car?

How did they start the Baader-Meinhof gang—and how did the police catch them?

How did they lay the first transatlantic cable?

How did they know the earth is round?

But how did they know the earth is flat?

How did they break the Japanese secret code in World War II?

How did they pick the Four Hundred?

How did they discover the atom is mostly empty space?

How did ballet dancers start dancing on their toes?

How did they start the breakfast cereal industry?

How did they perform the first cesarean delivery?

How did the blue blazer become a classic?

How did they decide which horses were Thoroughbreds?

How did Houdini escape from a packing case underwater?

How did they discover Neanderthal man?

How did they build the Eiffel Tower?

How did they decide that December 25 was Christmas?

How did Humphrey Bogart cure a hangover?

How did the FBI devise the “Ten Most Wanted” list?

How did they develop the Salk vaccine?

How did they name the Edsel?

How did they choose Vivien Leigh to play Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind?

How did they build Central Park?

How did Peary reach the North Pole?

How did they name the lollipop?

How did they build the Mother Ship in Close Encounters?

How did they discover DNA?

How did the McDonald’s drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino become an international chain of 7,000 outlets?

How did Willie Sutton decide to rob banks?

How did Shirley Temple get a contract for life insurance at the age of seven?

How did W. T. Grant, Inc., go broke?

How did they discover Neptune?

How did they draw the Mason-Dixon line a century before the Civil War?

How did the whooping crane learn to reproduce in captivity?

How did Louis XIV dine?

How did they decide the length of a mile?

How did they build the Great Pyramid at Giza?

How did Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal get reviewed when it was published in 1857?

How did they control the population before the Pill?

How did they set the price of the Louisiana Purchase?

How did they learn the Titanic was sinking?

How did Bach get the job of cantor at St. Thomas’s Church in Leipzig?

How did they excavate Delphi?

How did Charlie Chaplin make up his tramp costume?

How did the United States buy Alaska?

How did John Quincy Adams meet the press?

How did Howard Hughes find his women?

How did they know there was an El Dorado?

How did they kill Trotsky?

How did they decide how tall to make the Empire State Building?

How did they invent the potato chip?

How did Dylan Thomas die?

How did the Pilgrims learn to grow corn?

How did Hirohito come to renounce his divinity?

How did they find a river in the Sahara?

How did they make Warren Harding the Republican presidential nominee in 1920?

How did they design the Model T?

How did they discover Troy?

How did Superman fly?

How did they first measure the weight of the earth’s atmosphere?

How did Neanderthal man find food and shelter?

How did 3M tape become Scotch?

How did they discover the Hope diamond?

How did they decide to publish Time magazine?

How did they find the poems of Emily Dickinson?

How did Lauren Bacall meet Humphrey Bogart?

How did they put Al Capone in jail?

How did they make the first accurate map of the world?

How did they name the hot dog?

How did they unionize the Ford Motor Company?

How did the Indians start scalping?

How did Stradivari make his violins?

How did they determine the age of the earth?

How did Mae West’s secret husband like married life?

How did they start the Chicago fire of 1871?

How did they first learn to make coffee?

How did Napoleon escape from Elba?

How did Louisa May Alcott write Little Women?

How did men decide to wear neckties?

How did Beethoven compose when he was deaf?

How did they build the Great Wall of China?

How did Gutenberg print the Bible?

How did they develop the parachute?

How did Harpo learn to play the harp?

How did FDR come to appoint the first woman to a president’s Cabinet?

How did they split the atom?

How did they name America?

How did they invent cigarettes?

How did they kill Marie Antoinette?

How did they know the size of the earth over 1,700 years before anyone sailed around it?

How did they determine the membership of the U.S. Senate?

How did Hannibal cross the Alps?

How did they discover radium?


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