


The Life of Andrew Jackson电子书

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作       者:Remini, Robert V.

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:96.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Robert V. Remini's prize-winning, three-volume biography Life of Andrew Jackson won the National Book Award on its completion in 1984 and is recognized as one of the greatest lives of a U.S. President. In this meticulously crafted single-volume abridgment, Remini captures the essence of the life and career of the seventh president of the United States. As president, from 1829-1837, Jackson was a significant force in the nations's expansion, the growth of presidential power, and the transition from republicanism to democracy. Jackson is a highly controversial figure who is undergoing historical reconsideration today. He is known as spurring the emergence of the modern American political division of Republican and Democractic parties, for the infamous Indian removal on the Trail of Tears, and for his brave victory against the British as Major General at the Battle of New Orleans. Never an apologist, Remini portrays Jackson as a foreceful, sometimes tragic, hero--a man whose strength and flaws were larger than life, a president whose conviction provided the nation with one of the most influential, colorful, and controversial administrations in our history.




Chronology of Jackson’s Life, 1767-1845

Chapter 1 - Boy from the Waxhaw District

Chapter 2 - Frontiersman and Lawyer

Chapter 3 - Congressman Jackson

Chapter 4 - The Duel

Chapter 5 - Old Hickory

Chapter 6 - The Creek War

Chapter 7 - The Battle of New Orleans

Chapter 8 - Indian Removal

Chapter 9 - The First Seminole War

Chapter 10 - Governor Jackson

Chapter 11 - An Era of Corruption

Chapter 12 - “Jackson and Reform”

Chapter 13 - The First People’s Inaugural

Chapter 14 - The Reform Begins

Chapter 15 - Political Upheaval

Chapter 16 - Return to Reform

Chapter 17 - The Bank War Begins

Chapter 18 - Jackson and the Union

Chapter 19 - The Union Preserved

Chapter 20 - “The Grand Triumphal Tour”

Chapter 21 - Panic!

Chapter 22 - The End of the Bank

Chapter 23 - The Hermitage Fire

Chapter 24 - Jacksonian Diplomacy

Chapter 25 - Jacksonian Democracy

Chapter 26 - Texas

Chapter 27 - Life in the White House

Chapter 28 - Farewell

Chapter 29 - Retirement

Chapter 30 - The Silver Jubilee

Chapter 31 - “We Must Regain Texas”

Chapter 32 - “We Will All Meet in Heaven”




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