


The Lost Landscape电子书

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作       者:Oates, Joyce Carol

出  版  社:Ecco


字       数:46.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A momentous memoir of childhood and adolescence from one of our finest and most beloved writers, as we've never seen her beforeIn The Lost Landscape, Joyce Carol Oates vividly re-creates the early years of her life in western New York State, powerfully evoking the romance of childhood and the way it colors everything that comes after. From early memories of her relatives to remembrances of a particularly poignant friendship with a red hen, from her first friendships to her first experiences with death, The Lost Landscape is an arresting account of the ways in which Oates's life (and her life as a writer) was shaped by early childhood and how her later work was influenced by a hardscrabble rural upbringing.In this exceptionally candid, moving, and richly reflective recounting of her early years, Oates explores the world through the eyes of her younger self and reveals her nascent experiences of wanting to tell stories about the world and the people she meets. If Alice in Wonderland was the book that changed a young Joyce forever and inspired her to look at life as offering end-less adventures, she describes just as unforgettably the harsh lessons of growing up on a farm. With searing detail and an acutely perceptive eye, Oates renders her memories and emotions with exquisite precision to truly transport the reader to a bygone place and time, to the lost landscape of the writer's past but also to the lost landscapes of our own earliest, and most essential, lives.



Author’s Note


We Begin

Mommy & Me

Happy Chicken: 1942–1944

Discovering Alice: 1947

District School #7, Niagara County, New York

Piper Cub

After Black Rock

Sunday Drive

Fred’s Signs

“They All Just Went Away”

“Where Has God Gone”

Headlights: The First Death

“The Brush”

An Unsolved Mystery: The Lost Friend

“Start Your Own Business!”

The Lost Sister: An Elegy

Nighthawk: Recollections of a Lost Time


Detroit: Lost City 1962–1968

Story Into Film: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” And Smooth Talk

Photo Shoot: West Eleventh Street, Nyc, March 6, 1970

Food Mysteries

Facts, Visions, Mysteries: My Father Frederic Oates, November 1988

A Letter to My Mother Carolina on Her Seventy-Eighth Birthday, November 8, 1994

“When I Was a Little Girl and My Mother Didn’T Want Me”


Excerpt, Telephone Conversation With My Father Frederic Oates, May 1999

The Long Romance

My Mother’s Quilts


Photo Section

About the Author

Nonfiction by Joyce Carol Oates



About the Publisher

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