


Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs电子书

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作       者:Randall, Lisa

出  版  社:Ecco


字       数:68.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Bestselling author of Warped Passages and Knocking on Heaven's Door and one of today's most influential and highly cited theo-retical physicists, Professor Lisa Randall once again effortlessly delivers fascinating science to the general reader. Weaving together the cosmos' his-tory and our own in an expanding intellectual adventure story, Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs takes us from the mysteries of dark matter and our cosmic environment to the conditions for life on Earth.Sixty-six million years ago, an object the size of a city descended from space to crash into Earth, creating a cata-clysm that killed off the dinosaurs, along with three-quarters of the other species on the planet. What was its originRandall proposes it was a comet that was dislodged from its orbit as the Solar System passed through a disk of dark matter that is embedded in the plane of the Milky Way. Her research challenges the usual assumptions about the simple nature of dark matter and demonstrates how scientists formulate and establish new ideas. In a sense, it might have been dark matter that killed the dinosaurs. With her unique and wide-ranging perspective, Randall connects dark matter to the history of the world in the broadest terms. Bringing in pop culture and social and political viewpoints, she shares with us the latest findings established and speculative regarding dark matter, the cosmos, the galaxy, asteroids, comets, and impacts, as well as life's development and extinctions. Randall makes clear how connected the planet is to the makeup of the Universe, but also how fragile our place in the Universe, which evolved over billions of years, might be.In this brilliant and fresh exploration of our cosmic environment, Professor Randall explains the underlying science of our world in the breathtaking tale of a Universe in which the small and the large, the visible and the hidden are intimately related. Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs illuminates the deep relationships that are critical to our world as well as the astonishing beauty of the structures and connections that surround us. It's impossible to read this book and look at either Earth or sky again in the same way.



Part I: The Development of The Universe

1. The Clandestine Dark Matter Society

2. The Discovery of Dark Matter

3. The Big Questions

4. Almost the Very Beginning: A Very Good Place to Start

5. A Galaxy Is Born

Part II: An Active Solar System

6. Meteoroids, Meteors, and Meteorites

7. The Short, Glorious Lives of Comets

8. The Edge of the Solar System

9. Living Dangerously

10. Shock and Awe

11. Extinctions

12. The End of the Dinosaurs

13. Life in the Habitable Zone

14. What Goes Around Comes Around

15. Flinging Comets from the Oort Cloud

Part III: Deciphering Dark Matter’s Identity

16. The Matter of the Invisible World

17. How to See in the Dark

18. Socially Connected Dark Matter

19. The Speed of Dark

20. Searching for the Dark Disk

21. Dark Matter and Comet Strikes

Conclusion: Looking Up


List of Illustrations

Supplementary Reading


About the Author

Also by Lisa Randall



About the Publisher

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