


HarperCollins e-books电子书

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作       者:Buckingham, Jane

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:51.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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From the author of the bestselling The Modern Girl's Guide to Life comes a must-have book for the young mom, including best-kept secrets, practical advice, and multiple solutions for problems from birth to age four Just when you thought you could cook (hey, one meal counts), clean (if the queen was coming), and seduce a man (well, long enough to get married), life throws you a curveball that makes all of your previous ineptitudes in life pale in comparison. With the appearance of one little extra line on a pregnancy test, you're thrown into a world of covering up leaks on shirts and taking a pacifier away from a two-year-old who has the grip of a pit bull.In this funny, smart, and honest book, Jane Buckingham cuts through the clutter to give you simple information and practical advice for navigating the different stages of motherhood. From how to get your child to sleep and how to wean, to how to get him off the pacifier and how to stop his tantrums, this book will help moms feel in the know and in control! Some of Buckingham's favorite tips: If your baby has a hard time feeding because of a stuffy nose, turn on the shower to steam up the bathroom and feed her there. Put your children's paints in an empty egg carton -- it's the perfect size, and there's no mess to clean up when you're done. Use an old raincoat with the arms cut off as a smock. You should buy a new car seat, rather than borrowing a friend's old car seat, as there are constant safety upgrades. Also, be sure you are the person registered to that car seat (send in that registration card!) so that you'll be notified in case of a recall. Keep the three-day rule in mind: Almost any bad habit can be broken in three days. Granted, they may be tough, torturous days, but you can do it! The Modern Girl's Guide to Motherhood helps modern moms do it all with love, style, and flair!


Title Page




CHAPTER 1: The Mother of All Shopping Sprees

CHAPTER 2: Experts, Epidurals, and Everything Else Before Baby

CHAPTER 3: The Babymoon: The First Few Weeks Home from the Hospital

CHAPTER 4: Food for Thought (and Little Tummies)

CHAPTER 5: Wake Up! We Need to Talk About Sleep

CHAPTER 6: Baby Care 101 (Because Dressing Them in Cute Outfits Isn’t Enough)

CHAPTER 7: Teach Your Children Well…Or Else It’s Hell

CHAPTER 8: Breaking Up* Is Hard to Do (*With Old Habits, That Is)

CHAPTER 9: The Play Dating Game and Beyond



Jen Furmaniak’s Acknowledgments

Searchable Terms

About the Author

Also by Jane Buckingham




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